Woman, 22, plunged to her death from cliff in just her underwear after taking 10 ecstasy pills

CORNWALL: A young woman fell off a cliff after she took 'at least 10' MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, commonly known as ecstasy) tablets, an inquest was told.
Anastazja Zofia Plusa, 22, was found dead at the Perranporth beach in Cornwall on April 15 this year.
Plusa was found wearing just her underwear and a pair of converse trainers.
She had consumed a lot of MDMA pills and then deleted her Facebook account, and had also quit her family group. She also reset her iPad, a hearing was told.
As reported by the Cornwall Live, there is no evidence that she took her own life.
Plusa was working as a care assistant and started a new relationship with a local man.
At around 3 am, she had made contact with an ex-boyfriend on April 14.
Just after 8 pm, she was spotted sitting on the cliff at Droskyn Point behind the fence.
A witness also clicked pictures of her and recalled thinking that she would never sit so close to the edge.
She told the police that the woman did not seem distressed.
The next morning on April 15, the police were called by dog walkers who had found a lump on the beach where the tide was receding.
As reported by Mirror, DC Simon Murray had shared with the inquest, "The body was covered in sand, there was a very strong wind that day. Police attended and carried out CPR. She was described as wearing black underwear and beige Converse shoes. Paramedics couldn't resuscitate her."
When the police began to search the area, they found a black coat on the rocks below and also found a pair of blue jeans on the beach.
According to a toxicology report, Plusa had 21 milligrams of cocaine in her body as well as 1,700 milligrams of MDMA.
DC Murray shared that people normally take a small dose of tablets and it makes one feel "happy and euphoric".
"It can cause the body metabolism to race. People who take the drug are advised to keep cool, drink lots of water and to rest as it can cause the body to overheat," he shared.
Murray further shared that after an investigation was conducted by the police, they concluded that there was no third party involvement in her death.