THEY'RE HERE: Wisconsin residents witness strange UFO-like lights 'pulse through the sky'

WEST BEND, WISCONSIN: Witnesses captured strange lights flashing through the rural Wisconsin skies this month in spectacular videos with one witness experiencing a creepy up-close encounter. The video from December 1 depicts brilliant white lights swooping across a hazy sky over the undulating fields close to West Bend and Fredonia, Wisconsin.
Kimberly, a 52-year-old West Bend salon owner, and Ken, a 54-year-old retired Fredonia police officer, and financial services worker, both provided footage to DailyMail. About 35 miles to the north of Milwaukee is the ara. Around 10.45 pm, Kimberly and her husband were traveling home on Wallace Lake Road in West Bend when they came upon a weird object only a few feet from their vehicle. "All of a sudden we saw what looked to be a white owl swoop from the upper right hand top of the trees, down in front of the headlights, and up to the left," she stated to DailyMail.
NEW: Multiple witnesses reporting orb-like UAPs flying in formation over rural Wisconsin..!! #UFO
— Joshua Rodriguez (@Joshuajered) December 20, 2022
On rare instances, according to Kimberly, 52, the salon owner from West Band, they would see an owl fly by their headlights while they were traveling on country roads. But as the white thing flew in front of their automobile three more times, seemingly emitting its own glow, they were both alarmed. "We've never seen even two in a row," she told Daily Mail. "We looked at each other and went, 'okay, this is not an owl, what the heck is going on here?" They started to notice the white lights in the sky above them at that point. "And as we're both leaning forward into the windshield, we start seeing these lights, similar to what I caught in the video," she stated.
The witness further added, "We just couldn't wrap our heads around what we were seeing. It kept moving to the east. We watched it for several minutes before it even clicked in my head, I have my phone, I could record this." She continued, "And then we pulled over to do that. There was no sound to it. It was a pretty clear and normal Wisconsin night without any crazy weather." Kimberly claimed she believed the lights were "in the sky shining down at us" rather than emanating from the ground.
Both Kimberly and Ken's videos show a scene in which four of the lights appear in a row, with a fifth joining their formation from the left. Then, all five take off in the direction of the eastern horizon. The lights first emerge in a close-knit cluster overhead in Kimberly's video, before they divide into around four separate lights and fly off to the east. About five miles to the northeast of Kimberly, in Fredonia, Wisconsin, Ken, 54, began recording after he saw the lights in the sky above the fields nearby.
According to weather data, there were clouds that night, but there were no storms with thunder or lightning in the vicinity. Additionally, a Milwaukee Federal Aviation Administration controller who had access to radar data from the region up to 13,000 feet stated, "I see nothing on radar - not even an airplane." A third witness recorded videos outside her home earlier that evening at 7 pm in Howard, Wisconsin, some 80 miles to the north, and uploaded them on Facebook. Andrea Lynn captured four remarkable videos of flashing, darting, colorful lights in the sky. "Has anyone in the Green Bay area seen the random groups of lights in the sky flying around? Any idea on what they are?" she posted on her social media. "I reached out to the National Weather service, and they told me they saw the same lights again a week later."
In the first video, which was shot looking up into an overcast sky from a suburban sidewalk, one white light first appears, followed by three others that flash on and off in a triangle formation all around it. The central light then moves off quickly and vanishes beyond the horizon. A yellowish light can be seen blazing through the sky in the second video before stopping briefly and turning 90 degrees. The third video Lynn posted shows a blue light floating in the clouds, while the fourth shows two yellow lights dancing in the sky, briefly merging together before vanishing from view.
Teacher Chris Nowak was on his way to the family's annual trip to the Candy Cane Lane lights in West Allis, Wisconsin, on December 2, some 35 miles from Greenfield, Wisconsin, where they were staying. Around 6:55 pm, as he crossed the Fox River overpass on Interstate 43 in the direction of the north, his wife notified him of similar strange lights in the hazy sky. "I've really never seen anything like it before," Nowak stated to DailyMail. "It was like a row of illumination through the clouds, and it would pulse through the sky incredibly quickly." "For the entire 20 miles that we drove we continued to see it," he stated. "There was no rhythm to it… it was moving from a southwest to northeast direction, and then from a northeast to southwest direction sometimes as well." After the display had been going on for five minutes, he pulled into a church parking lot in Greenfield and began filming. He was able to capture what had changed into a "purplish-blue" light hovering in the dense clouds, followed by white light streaks. "It shot through the clouds and broke off into like three different beams from there. It moved at an incredible speed. It cleared down to the edge of the entire sky very, very quickly," he stated. When Nowak showed his meteorology friend the recordings, he struggled to come up with a weather phenomenon that could explain the unusual lights.
Another video captured in Michigan on December 2 by social media users Kenna and Tasha Lynn VanBrocklyn shows bright white lights erratically moving through the clouds, according to the Daily Mail. They posted on Facebook that they believed it might be a UFO.
The majority of UFO sightings are now reported as "light anomalies," which don't have conventional shapes like cylinders and disks, according to former FBI agent Ben Hansen, who currently presents the Discovery+ show "UFO Witness," who told the Daily Mail. Hansen allegedly remarked of three recent Wisconsin cases, “When you take into consideration the totality of the circumstances of what was witnessed and where it was filmed, this case just becomes more and more compelling.”