William Shatner shuts down millennials after one of them calls him a boomer: 'All that your generation does is point fingers'

'Star Trek' actor William Shatner waded into the debate raging around the mocking use of 'OK boomer' by millennials to highlight the ignorance the older generation seemingly has regarding certain new-age issues and was involved in a back-on-forth exchange regarding the same on Twitter.
It all started after Shatner sent a mocking tweet to another user in a separate conversation, to which one user who went by the name Billie E condescendingly responded, 'OK boomer.'
While it was seemingly one random comment amongst many in the thread, Shatner singled her out and responded, "Sweetheart, that's a compliment for me."
Indeed, the actor was born in 1931, which puts him in the 'Silent Generation,' which is a generation behind the so-called 'Baby Boomers,' who were all born after World War II.
She hit back, claiming it was not an insult and that she's "not really into pejoratives, but what's the term for people when they can't interpret a joke?" Not skipping a beat, the 88-year-old cheekily answered, "Millennials."
He further explained his stance when a user said they were "already sick of this OK Boomer nonsense." He tweeted, "I feel it’s like one of those childish insults in fandom that seem to affect the delicate types to the point they meltdown & go over the rest of our heads as something ridiculous. If the person posting it thinks they are making a dig; they are the fools."
The debate continued when another user, Courtney DeCamp, defended the use of the term and said it was only aimed at only the "ignorant ones."
"And just what are we ignorant about Courtney?" Shatner posted. "We don't understand struggles? War? Depressions (economic, not personal)? Inflation? Double digit Prime Interest rates?"
She stated their generation had inherited "hardships [which] are not their fault," an allegation Shatner quickly latched upon and asked, "Is that all your generation does is point fingers and blame others for their pity parties?"
"You don’t get a participation trophy for life; you take what you get and play your best hand. It’s been that way since forever," he added.'
The argument continued, and at one point, Courtney tweeted, "That aside, if you are not a boomer as you say, why are you so offended by a phrase that can’t possibly pertain to you? Just feel like twitter fighting today?"
"I said I’d wear that badge with honor," he hit back. "Unlike you; the generations designation doesn’t define me nor am I too worried about getting labeled because it makes no difference to me."