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Will fans boycott ‘Love and Translation’? TLC show sparks outrage as viewers find ‘lack of men’ on show misogynistic and 'oddly boring'

The show didn't quite land on the good side of reviews and fans are equally unhappy after the debut episode
'Love And Translation' Season 1 is on the brink of boycott amid a lack of good reviews (Instagram/@tlc)
'Love And Translation' Season 1 is on the brink of boycott amid a lack of good reviews (Instagram/@tlc)

'Love & Translation' had its grand entrance on TLC, but it seems like fans weren't throwing roses at it. The show faced the threat of a fan boycott, with the Internet deeming it more of a bore-fest than a love-fest. Even the trio of main men – Kahlil, Dylan, and Tripp – couldn't strike a chord with the audience. The show's vibe just didn't click, leaving viewers reaching for the remote.

The overall premise of the show on the very first day of the premiere failed to resonate with numerous fans, contributing to a negative reception. 

The Internet wasn't holding back as complaints echoed about the excessive subtitles, making it a workout for the eyes. Fans were quite vocal about the gender ratio too, as they felt the show lacked balance with only three men pitted against a dozen women. Some even proposed replacing out the men for a more thrilling dynamic.

"This show boring as hell," a user wrote on Twitter. 


"Ima finish this episode, but idk if I'll be back. It needs more men, and because each side, including ours, is operating in abject confusion, it seems weird. And oddly boring," said another.


"So there’s only 3 men and a smorgasbord of beautiful women?" a user wondered.


"It's only 3 men?!? And all them women?!? That ain't right," someone pointed out.


"They could have chosen better looking men ijs," a user said.


"3 men and 12 women is an unusual ratio for a dating show!" another complained.


Fans on reddit also echoed similar views about the show. 

"I don’t get why there are only three guys tho. Kinda odd to not have an even number of men and women," a Reddit thread read. 

"Was there not enough male applicants for this show?" someone asked.

"Oh my god Tripp you absolute f**kboy. Send these children home and find some better men please," said another.

"These men have to be deliberately stupid," a user noted.

"Why the hell couldn't they get better men tho?" another asked.

"These guys are SO lame- im more interested in from hearing about the girls and their culture," a comment read.

"I am just flabbergasted at how dumb these guys are. I know a lot of it is staged but holy moly," someone said.

"They should have cast better men... who tf are these dudes?" another asked.

"Looks like they cast guys who failed an intelligence test," a user quipped.

"Will anyone else watch another episode of this? It is so painfully boring to me," someone else said.

What is the storyline of 'Love and Translation'? 

In TLC's new show 'Love & Translation', a diverse cast takes center stage. Three American bachelors find themselves in paradise, accompanied by twelve women from nine different countries, none of whom speak English.

The series delves into the challenges of forging connections without a shared language or a translator. As the cast spends time together, focusing on genuine interactions, 'Love & Translation' captures raw moments in a distinctive dating environment that reflects diversity in both culture and communication.

Three American men and twelve international women embark on a romantic journey on a secluded paradise island. on the show. The catch? None of them speak English, and translators are off the table. This unique dating experiment challenges the singles to rely on non-verbal cues like eye contact, touch, and pheromones to discover genuine romantic connections.

If the spark isn't there, the singles have the freedom to pack their bags and explore other opportunities for love. 

TLC new show 'Love and Translation (TLC)
TLC new show 'Love and Translation (TLC)

Who stars in 'Love and Translation'? 

The first season of 'Love & Translation' features a diverse cast of singles from both the United States and various international destinations. Representing America are Kahlil from Texas, Tripp from California, and Dylan from Florida.

On the international side, we have Jhenyfer from Brazil, Tulay from Germany, Sara from Italy, Imane from Morocco, Airi from Japan, Leidi from Colombia, Yam from Mexico, Gisele from Brazil, Joceline from France, Assia from France, Jin from South Korea, and Jhuliana from Bolivia.

'Love And Translation' Season 1 women hail from different countries (Instagram/@giselespilder)
'Love And Translation' Season 1 women hail from different countries (Instagram/@giselespilder)

'Love & Translation' premiered on Sunday, January 21, at 10 pm ET/PT on TLC.