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Who is Mia de los Reyes? ‘Woke’ astronomers urge renaming Magellanic Clouds that honors 'murderer' explorer

The astronomers claim that the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan is a murderer with no connection to the discovery of these galaxies
A group of astronomers, led by Dr Mia de los Reyes (L), are calling for the renaming of the Magellanic Clouds that honors Ferdinand Magellan (Wikipedia/X)
A group of astronomers, led by Dr Mia de los Reyes (L), are calling for the renaming of the Magellanic Clouds that honors Ferdinand Magellan (Wikipedia/X)

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTES: In a galaxy not so far away, a coalition of astronomers, led by Dr. Mia de los Reyes, an assistant professor of astronomy at Amherst College in Massachusetts, is sparking a celestial revolution. Their mission is to rename the Milky Way's closest neighboring galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud.

The astronomers claim that the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, after whom these galaxies are named, is considered a "murderer" with no genuine connection to the discovery of these galaxies.

Dr. Mia de los Reyes, an assistant professor of astronomy at Amherst College (Dr. Mia de los Reyes/X)
Dr Mia de los Reyes,  assistant professor of astronomy at Amherst College (Dr. Mia de los Reyes/X)

Why does Dr Mia de los Reyes want to rename the Magellanic Clouds?

Reyes recently published an op-ed in the journal APS Physics, outlining the case for renaming the Magellanic Clouds. Her argument centers on the belief that astronomical objects and facilities should not bear the name of individuals with a "violent colonial legacy," such as Magellan.

She stated, “We would like the International Astronomical Union—the body in charge of naming astronomical objects—to rename the Magellanic Clouds.”

Ferdinand Magellan (Wikipedia)
The two galaxies are named after 16th-century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, best known for leading the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the globe (Wikipedia)

Furthermore, the Filipina-American astronomer asserts that Magellan was not an astronomer, and he was not the first to document these galaxies, which had indigenous names and legends long before the 16th-century explorer set sail.

Magellanic Clouds (Wikipedia)
Magellanic Clouds (Wikipedia)

"The primary issue is that the clouds aren't his discovery," notes David Hogg, a professor of physics and data science at NYU. "I can't imagine how any astronomer could object to the renaming of the clouds, since there is absolutely no sense in which Magellan is in any way responsible for their discovery," he said, as per

What are the key arguments for renaming Magellanic Clouds?

It is true that Magellan's name is attached to numerous astronomical objects, craters on the moon and Mars, spacecraft, and telescopes.

However, Magellan's legacy is marred by his role as a "colonizer, slaver, and a murderer" against native populations, as per Reyes. His cruel actions during his expeditions, such as enslaving the Tehuelche people in what is now Argentina and burning villages in Guam and the Philippines, cast a dark shadow over his name.

“He placed iron manacles on the ‘youngest and best proportioned’ men, telling them that the manacles were gifts,” Dr Reyes recounts. “In what became Guam and the Philippines, Magellan and his men burned villages and killed their inhabitants,” said the Amherst professor. 

Reyes further explained that this renaming proposal is part of a broader trend to reconsider and change the names of geographical locations, buildings, military installations, and even holidays that honor historical figures with objectionable legacies.

Recent endeavors, like the American Ornithological Society's effort to rename bird species with names derived from individuals, are part of a larger campaign aimed at eliminating designations tainted by "racism and misogyny".

Reyes emphasizes that naming objects and places has traditionally been a way to honor individuals for their discoveries, accomplishments, or values they represent.

In the case of Magellan, she argues, there are no astronomical discoveries to his name, and he continues to symbolize imperialist and anti-Indigenous violence for many.

Over 50 astronomers have already signed onto Reyes' renaming campaign, with more expressing interest. The ultimate goal is to bring the proposal for a name change before the International Astronomical Union and hold a vote on the matter.

Nevertheless, several alternative names for the galaxies have been proposed, including "Meridional" and "Milky," which would allow astronomers to continue using the familiar acronyms LMC and SMC.

Netizens react to Mia de los Reyes' renaming proposal

Internet users have however expressed their strong disapproval of Reyes' controversial stance. A user tweeted, "We've left Alice In Wonderland territory." Another added, "Yeah cute idea"

A third tweeted, "Gonna rename everything until nothing is remembered about the past." A user mocked, "We might end up running out of things to be offended by."





"This girl looks Filipino. You know what the Filipinos were doing when Magellan cruised into town? They were chopping off heads, ritually sacrificing people, and Cannibalism. So you might want to consider your own history before you go criticizing Magellan," read a tweet. "Absolutely not," claimed a user. "Enough with the revisionist history nonsense," chimed another.