Who is Mary Cirillo? Kentucky mother arrested for using stun gun on her six-year-old son as he wanted strawberry milk

FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY: A mother has been arrested and charged for allegedly using a stun gun on her own child after he demanded strawberry milk. Mary Cirillo from Kentucky has reportedly been charged with two counts of first-degree criminal abuse of a child under the age of 12.
The 26-year-old had allegedly taken methamphetamine and marijuana when she pointed the Sabre S-1005 Stun Gun at her six-year-old son on or around July 7. Not just that, it has been alleged that Cirillo's boyfriend also used the gun on the minor in late June. FOX 56 News, referring to an arrest citation, reported that the mother has claimed her innocence and asserted that she and her boyfriend had no intention of harming the little boy.
Who is Mary Cirillo?
As per Cirillo’s Facebook page, she is from Jasper, Tennessee, and has been in a relationship since March of this year. Her social media shares reveal that she is a mother of two boys. In late May, she posted several photos on Facebook with a caption that read, “Had a fun day with the kids day 2 of summer break.”
Another post from mid-May showed her lovingly posing with her children as she wrote, “Had lunch with my boys today at school.” A user commented below it, “I love these pictures best ones get.” The second one added, “Love Family.”
But currently, the apparent loving mother has been held behind bars at the Franklin County Regional Jail. She was arrested on July 28 and her bond amount is $20,000. Cirillo will reportedly appear for her preliminary hearing in court on August 8.
‘She needs help!’
Meanwhile, the case has attracted attention online with several people reacting to the news. One commented on a Facebook post that announced the news, stating, “PLEASE REMOVE ALL CHILDREN FROM THE HOUSE!!! NEXT WILL BE DEATH.” Another user wrote, “Take that child out of that house and away from that mother. She needs help!”
“Wtf wrong with these idiots,” the third one remarked. On another Facebook post announcing the news, a fourth user commented, “Was told that in school she told people she had cancer and shaved her eyebrows off.” A fifth user added, “Once again posting for these beautiful innocent children..God I pray you come soon for the children...these no count mothers ..that's exactly what they are well aren't mothers...need to be held accountable....and their low life men who they allow to perpetrate these innocent children.”