Who is Lindsey Graham? 'Patriot Barbie' identifies as a CAT as she mocks trans school board member

PHOENIX, ARIZONA: A woman’s bizarre stunt has made her famous online after she attended a school board meeting while donning a cat dress and makeup. Lindsey Graham reportedly went ahead with her strange plan in November to protest against the school’s apparent wokeism. Her outfit was apparently inspired by a trans school board member, Paul Bixler, whom she accused of being a bad influence on elementary school students.
Bixler is a transgender, who earlier worked as a teacher and principal. Bixler reportedly transformed himself into a woman after losing his wife Candace in 2017. As per The Daily Mail, the 72-year-old “was appointed to the Liberty School Board, which covers eight schools on the outskirts of metropolitan Phoenix, in 2021 after the election was canceled and is slated to serve out a term through December 2024.”
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During the meeting, Graham reportedly stated, “I'm a cat. Meow, meow. I'm not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. How many of you believe and confess that I'm a cat? How many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I'm actually a cat?”
She then said, “No one. You’re right. Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists,” before adding, “Discernment is innate and something that we’re wired to have. One look at me, and you know this to be true. I’m a woman posing as a cat.”
Following her viral episode, Graham appeared on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ on Tuesday, December 13, where she shared, “This was a local school in my neighborhood where there was a member of the school board whose name is Paul Bixler. He’s a man, he’s very clearly a man. The only thing he does to identify as a female is put lipstick on. He grew his hair out a little bit, and he wears his deceased wife’s clothing to school, to sporting events, to school events to fundraisers, school events in front of the children.”
The mother asserted, “Believe it or not, he actually demands on being identified one of two ways, either Paul, which is a man’s name or Ms. Bixler. It’s very clear he has a gender identity crisis. Not only does he appear in front of the children and insist that the children define him as a woman, but he sits on the board and he’s making decisions for these children.”
She also explained her reason behind going to the meeting as a cat as she noted, “The point I was trying to make as a cat was that obviously you can’t just identify as whatever you want and demand that other people identify you as whatever you want. But someone with this kind of mental illness can enjoy that mental illness all they want in the comfort of their home. But when you put them in charge of children, we’re talking about a new type of indoctrination, and that’s what’s really terrifying, is seeing these people in charge of our kids' education.”
“This is elementary school. So these are young vulnerable minds. The teachers, the rest of the school board are identifying him as Ms while he’s talking in just the deepest manly voice that he was born with and so to see these parents take no responsibility for the education of these kids and to teach them true right and wrong and true biology and true facts and science and truths is just so alarming that we have this in the school system,” Graham concluded.
The woman also claimed to have received support from people as she stated, “I saw one of the members of the school board. He looked at me a little odd. I said I’m sure you don’t want to remember who I am. He said ‘the cat.’ I thought he would proceed to chew me out. He said, ‘You know what, thank you so much for getting up there and saying what you said. Thank you for being bold enough to speak the truth. I’ve been fighting this agenda, fighting this teacher and this school board member.’’
Graham added, “There are people on our side. All it takes is a few of us to stand up and speak truth and find the partners in crime, if you will. We really can unite together, and fight back and save our children.”