Who is Julie Green? MAGA 'prophet' predicts divine revelation of Joe Biden's 'dark connections'

MIAMI, FLORIDA: In a video, Pastor Julie Green, a self-proclaimed prophet, asserted that she had received a prophecy concerning President Joe Biden and what she described as "dark connections" to his administration.
Green is a fervent supporter of former President Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement.
Pastor Green claims to be a messenger of God
Her pronouncements have attracted attention and scrutiny, as she has become known for delivering what she claims are messages from God through her online platform, Julie Green Ministries International.
Speaking in a video posted on October 30, Green purported that God had communicated to her an impending revelation. She stated with conviction that God intended to "expose" what she termed "dark connections" within the White House.

These purported connections, according to Green, involve a web of influence that extends beyond the nation's borders and encompasses entities she cryptically referred to as "the Red Dragon," which appeared to be a veiled allusion to China, as well as Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, and even Canada.
In her previous video message last month, Green predicted a looming catastrophe for the United States, which she attributed to what she characterized as the "persecution" of former President Trump, Newsweek reported.
Popularity in right-wing circles
Notably, Pastor Julie Green has gained popularity within right-wing circles and has been invited as a featured speaker at ReAwaken America events. These gatherings have attracted the who's who of conservative personalities, including former Trump adviser Michael Flynn and Eric Trump, one of the former president's sons.
Eric Trump himself appeared on Green's show in September, and during their exchange, Green conveyed messages she claimed were divinely inspired. She told him that the Trump family enjoyed the protection of a higher power.
In her most recent video message, Green turned her focus to President Joe Biden. She spoke of a "greater weakness" within what she cryptically referred to as "the house you call white," suggesting that the presidency was somehow compromised. Moreover, Green made thinly veiled insinuations that President Biden did not rightfully occupy his seat.
Green employed metaphorical language, declaring, "I've told you I've cut the string from the puppet master and the puppet, so soon you're about to see the puppet fall in greater ways."
The core of her message revolved around the notion of "exposure." She proclaimed with conviction, "For I will expose, oh yes, I will expose the tentacles that have been controlling the Biden. I will expose all the deep swamp are trying to do to you in this hour."
Foreign intrigue and infiltration
Green did not stop at implicating the influence of foreign governments on the US government. She insisted, "Foreign governments in foreign nations have infiltrated the US government."
The pastor's narrative then turned its focus to Canada. "You will see connections to Canada. Evil dark connections with this deep state ... The swamp runs far and wide," Green said. "The roots of these nations connect in DC. I will show you each country. I will show you each government. I will show you each person. I will show you all the money."
Green's message took an unexpected turn as she delved into the realm of entertainment. She alleged that the entertainment industry had played a significant role in constructing a false narrative that had captivated the public's imagination. She spoke of a "great, evil movie" that had been presented as reality, though it was, in her view, a carefully orchestrated illusion.
Earlier in the same month, Green had made headlines with her prediction of an imminent "attack" on the United States. She attributed this impending attack to the perceived "persecution" of former President Trump. In a video shared on her Rumble account, she declared, "An attack is coming, oh my, United States, an attack like you never expected."
She went on to describe this prospective attack as something unlike anything the nation had previously experienced. Green painted a grim picture, asserting, "An attack to destroy you, an attack to cut you off. An attack to kill your soul, an attack to destroy your foundation so it could never be built up again."
Reference to 'David' and Trump
Intriguingly, Green introduced the reference to "David," whom she described as "obviously" a connection to the former President Trump. According to her account, God had foretold that the ex-president would be "fully vindicated" and that his civil fraud trial in New York would ultimately "come to nothing."
Earlier this year, a video of Pastor Julie Green went viral after she made alarming predictions, asserting that Democrats would meet grim fates. She declared, "You are about to see many people in leadership step away. You will see them step down, you will see them completely walk away, you will see them resign, and you will see many die."
She continued with ominous proclamations, declaring, "Now you will see judgments be poured out like never before. You will see things in front of your face, you never thought you would see. You will see many be hauled out of places in government buildings."
Green concluded, "You will see them be handcuffed and walked out. You will see them being marched out because I will make sure the world sees them fall."