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Who is Julie Conrad? Michigan teen Megan Imirowicz who killed dad with drain cleaner 'excited' to be home with mom after release

'I'm really happy I get to go home with my family,' said Megan Imirowicz
Julie Conrad testified on behalf of her daughter Megan Imirowicz, the teen murderer (Screenshot/Court TV, Oakland County Jail)
Julie Conrad testified on behalf of her daughter Megan Imirowicz, the teen murderer (Screenshot/Court TV, Oakland County Jail)

GROVELAND TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN: When a Michigan teen fatally doused her sleeping father with chemical drain cleaner, leaving him seriously ill until he died of his injuries six months later, it sent shockwaves through the community. The 19-year-old named Megan Imirowicz, who was arrested after her father Konrad's death, has now received a one-year sentence that included time served and was let off the hook. 

The killing of Konrad Imirowicz, her father, 64, could have resulted in a life sentence for Megan, 19, who was upset with him because he was too inebriated to accompany her to a hair appointment. Megan reportedly threw lye powder mixed with water at Konrad after their argument that ultimately resulted in his death. The teenage daughter was sentenced to five years on probation and a year in jail, with credit for time served.


Who is Julie Conrad?

Konrad Imirowicz and Julie Conrad are the parents of the convicted teen murderer, Megan Imirowicz. It is unknown how her mother and father met, fell in love, and married. Furthermore, there are no specifics regarding whether they are still together. Her mother's identity remains a mystery, although her late father is known to have battled alcoholism.

Julie highlighted the chaos at her ex-husband's home as well as her conversations with him in the hospital when she testified in court in June. Megan's mother referred to a TV show called 'Hoarding' during the questioning and told the lawyer, "Have you seen the show Hoarding? A lot of trash. Um, you could not walk into the kitchen. There were trash bags and various trash all over to the couch." She added, "There is just a little like one-foot wide trail to the couch to where Conrad was sitting that day. Megan's bedroom was a mess. The basement smelled a lot like cat urine, um, cat feces. The lower level bathroom... I gagged and that's when I turned around and ran into another adult, as the toilet was full of feces and it really smelled bad," as per Court TV.

'I think it was human feces'

Julie went on and detailed the condition of Megan's father's room. "with Konrad's bedroom, there was not a bed, the freezer was open a little bit and that's the only thing that we touched other than the front door knob," she said, adding that they closed the freezer to preserve the food. When asked if she saw a white bottle, the mother said, "I never saw a white bottle" but she did look at the couch and said the "fuzzy part of it wore off." Megan's mother also admitted that the carpet was definitely wet when asked if there was any liquid on the floor. "There were plastic bags all around right in front of the couch and I stepped on one. I thought it was cat feces." She later added, "I think it was human feces." 

'He was very animated'

Julie also described the time her husband spoke to her in the emergency room and said, "he was very animated." When she asked him what happened to him, he simply said, "I'm just here. they are giving me meds and stuff and everyone's coming to see me. He was like having a jolly all time." The father apparently didn't say anything about who had hurt him and simply repeated, "I don't know," when asked. He also showed his burns to Julie Conrad when she was "feeding him ice chips."

'I'm really happy I get to go home with my family'

The teen killer was imprisoned for 500 days in a Detroit suburb following her father's death in March 2022. Megan Imirowicz must enroll in an education program and adhere to severe probationary conditions but was allowed to go home. The girl sobbed in court after hearing that her sentence would be reduced. She expressed her joy at being permitted to go back to her family and her disbelief at the judge's leniency in ruling. "I'm really happy I get to go home with my family," she told Law & Crime Network on Tuesday, July 25,  adding: "I'm excited," as per Daily Mail.