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Who is Horacio? ‘MasterChef: Generations’ Season 14 star creates rift between mother-son Joe Bastianich and Lidia

Horacio is often seen traveling and exploring other cuisines
Horacio was selected on 'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14  (Instagram/@horacio)
Horacio was selected on 'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14 (Instagram/@horacio)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Horacio is a 62-year-old retired auto industry executive from Nashville, Tennessee, originally from Brazil, who brought his love for Brazilian cuisine to the stage of 'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14. Despite his age, Horacio's zest for life and passion for cooking remained undiminished, as he enjoyed both cooking and partying.

In his audition, Horacio presented the judges with Moqueca Brazilian coconut shrimp stew served with white rice, showcasing the bold and flavorful elements of Brazilian cuisine. While Horacio's dish impressed Lidia, who appreciated its authenticity, Gordon found the presentation to be outdated, describing it as "old-fashioned."

A point of contention arose when Joe criticized Horacio for not removing the skin from the peppers, deeming it a flaw in the dish. However, Joe's mother, Lidia, surprisingly interjected, expressing her preference for the skin on peppers to maintain their crunchiness. This difference in opinion between mother and son created a brief but lively debate among the judges. Despite Joe's reservations about the amateurish plating and minor flaws in the dish, Lidia's positive feedback on the flavors and shrimp earned Horacio a YES from her.

With Aarón's additional YES, the decision ultimately rested with Gordon. Recognizing Horacio's culinary skills and potential, Gordon believed in his ability to learn and improve, despite any initial shortcomings. As a result, Gordon awarded Horacio the night's third white apron, giving him the opportunity to further develop his skills on the 'MasterChef: Generations' stage.

Horacio is a big fan of Brazilian cuisine 

Horacio is a passionate Brazilian cuisine enthusiast, known for his love of Brazilian flavors and his dedication to sharing his culinary expertise with others. On his social media platform, Horacio often shares with his followers his knowledge and skills in Brazilian cooking. From crafting authentic cocktails to putting a Brazilian twist on globally famous dishes, his feed is a treasure trove for cooking enthusiasts.

One of Horacio's most admirable traits is his willingness to teach others. He regularly shares step-by-step guides and tutorials on how to prepare Brazilian delicacies, making the cuisine accessible to his followers. Whether it's feijoada, caipirinha, or pão de queijo, Horacio's recipes are both authentic and easy to follow, allowing his audience to recreate the flavors of Brazil in their own kitchens.

Horacio loves Brazilian cuisine (Instagram/ @horacio)
Horacio loves Brazilian cuisine (Instagram/@horacio)

Horacio's loves traveling with his wife

Moreover, Horacio's culinary adventures extend beyond Brazilian cuisine. Alongside his wife, he explores various cuisines from around the world. From Italian pasta to Japanese sushi, Horacio and his wife can be seen exploring different cuisines through their social media platforms.  

Horacio and his wife love travelling (Instagram/ @horacio)
Horacio and his wife love traveling (Instagram/@horacio)