Who is Gallagher's brother Ron? Late watermelon-smasher once sued sibling for stealing Sledge-O-Matic act

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA: Comedian Leo Anthony Gallagher, known mononymously as Gallagher, died at 76 after a massive organ failure on Friday morning, November 11, as he was sick after suffering numerous heart attacks over the course of his life. The comedian was famous for his distinct act called the 'Sledge-O-Matic' which always included a watermelon being smashed to bits with a sledgehammer. However, there was someone else who was interested in this act and Gallegher ended up going to court with them.
The 1980s were a time for the comedian-actor to enjoy stardom and success with his definitive 'SledgeO-Matic' act. His observational humor, timing, body language, and prop comedy gags were some of the best elements of his performance. He was a touring performer and in the times of Eddie Murphy and other living legends at the time, Galleghar did more than 3,500 shows and had 14 Showtime comedy specials. However, this was the same time when someone around him thought biting off his material would be a good idea. It was his brother Ron, who wanted to franchise Gallagher's routine and make a decent living for himself.
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Who is Gallagher's brother Ron?
Gallagher's brother was a comedian himself but his whereabouts are unknown. Ron was often on the road with the rocking comedian. He would assist Gallagher on the shows, give material, and set the stage for him. However, it is reported by 90ways that Ron, eventually going off on his own, would continue to use the same name as his brother - Gallagher. While he argued and stayed rigid on his claim of writing most of his jokes himself, he would still end his act with Gallagher's Sledge-O-Matic act. It's reported that the brothers had an agreement where Ron was to perform in smaller venues that could not afford the expensive meat. His acts were billed differently to differentiate between the two comedians but Ron's act was an exact replica of Gallagher's.

Ron wore the same clothes as Gallaher - a black beret, black pants, striped pullover shirt. He would make a striking look that Gallagher had. Gallagher was not satisfied with this billing process as he realized that people were not differentiating the two comedians. The matter escalated when Ron decided to eat off Gallagher's name by telling the venue owners that he was Leo himself and continued to tour as 'Gallagher Too'. However, Gallagher did not let this fly and he took Ron to court.
In August 2000, the elder brother sued Ron for trademark violations and false advertising. Luckily for Gallagher, the courts sided with him and Ron was banned from any act that impersonated his brother in small clubs and venues. Ron was left broke and unemployed with damages to be paid to his brother. It's also reported that the brothers did not talk to each other for more than 20 years.