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Who is Cirdan? All about 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2's 'oldest' elf

Cirdan, the oldest and wisest Elf, was born among the Teleri and stayed in Middle-earth to find his missing king, Thingol
UPDATED AUG 30, 2024
Elrond claims that Cirdan is the oldest of their people in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 (@primevideo)
Elrond claims that Cirdan is the oldest of their people in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 (@primevideo)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power', Cirdan (Ben Daniels) is introduced as the oldest and wisest Elf. He's a trusted figure among Elves, including Gil-galad, Galadriel, and Elrond. In 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2, Elrond turns to Cirdan for help after stealing the Three Elven Rings. He begs Cirdan to destroy the Rings to prevent Sauron's control and Cirdan is tasked with throwing the Rings into the deepest sea trench. 

However, Cirdan changes his mind at the last moment. His decision to spare the Rings could have significant consequences. Despite this, his wisdom and knowledge will continue to be a guiding force for the Elves in their struggle against Sauron. As the story unfolds, Cirdan's role will remain crucial in the fight against darkness. To understand why, let's take a closer look at his history. 

What is the story behind Cirdan in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2?

Ben Daniels in a still from 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)
Ben Daniels in a still from 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)

Cirdan, the oldest and wisest Elf, was born among the Teleri clan. He stayed in Middle-earth to find his missing king, Thingol, and later received a vision from the Valar to remain and play a crucial role in its salvation. He soon became the lord of the Falathrim and helped in the war against Morgoth. He fought in battles, built ships, and played a crucial role in saving Gil-galad's life.

Cirdan also befriended Eärendil, Elrond's father, and helped him build a ship to sail to Valinor. This fulfilled his vision and earned him the gift of foresight. With his gift of foresight, he could see the future more clearly than any other Elf, including Galadriel. This vision drove him to help the Elves of Middle-earth by building ships for their journey to Valinor and for the Edain to reach Númenor.

Is Cirdan the oldest elf in Middle-earth?

A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)
A still from the show 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (@primevideo)

In 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2, Elrond calls Cirdan the oldest of their people, and it's true. Cirdan was born in Cuiviénen, where the first Elves awoke before the sun and moon existed. Though he wasn't among the very first Elves created by Eru Ilúvatar, he was born among them. When the Valar invited the Elves to Valinor, Cirdan joined the journey West. While most Elves who traveled West stayed in Aman, Cirdan returned to Middle-earth.

By the Second Age, he was one of the few remaining Elves born in Middle-earth before the Valar's invitation. This makes him incredibly ancient, with a profound understanding of Middle-earth's history.

How did 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 tweak Cirdan's character? 

A still from ‘The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power’ (@primevideo)
A still from ‘The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power’ (@primevideo)

'LOTR: The Rings of Power' shows Cirdan in a fresh light. When we first see him, he's looking out at the sea, wanting to go to a place he's never been. He's very close to Elrond, which makes sense because he knew Elrond's father. Gil-galad also respects Cirdan, which shows they have a shared past. While the show has made some changes to Cirdan's story, it has retained the crucial elements.

In the original story, Cirdan got a special ring from Celebrimbor. In 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2, Elrond gives Cirdan three rings to get rid of, but Cirdan decides to keep one. This might be because he has a special ability to see into the future, which helps him make big decisions. Perhaps he kept the ring because he foresaw that it could become a valuable asset later on. Whatever the reason may be, this ability will likely affect what happens next in the story.

'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 trailer