Who is Biden's youngest daughter Ashley? Activist 'has been trying to change world since she was three'

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a family man who is a father of four, but only two of them are alive. People know almost everything about his son Hunter, but not much is known about his daughter, Ashley, whom he shares with his current wife Jill. The 39-year-old made her appearance with her mother during the second night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 2020 and since then everyone is curious to know more about her.
Despite being from a high-profile family, Ashley has majorly given her time to public service. She says it runs in her DNA. In a 2017 interview with Glamour, the former vice president’s daughter said: “The passion started at a very young age. My dad is a lifelong public servant; my mom was a public-school teacher—it’s in my DNA.”

And, it does not mean that after being an adult, Ashley chose to work in social justice consciously. She explained, “When I was a kid, I always really loved animals, and I found out that Bonne Bell lip gloss was testing on animals, so I organized my school to start writing letters to [the company]. Then I became obsessed with the plight of dolphins getting stuck in tuna nets. My dad connected me with Congressman Barbara Boxer, who I nicknamed the ‘Dolphin lady,’ and she got me onto the floor to help lobby Republican congressman for The Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act.”

After graduating from Tulane University and receiving a Master’s of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania, Ashley joined the Delaware Centre for Justice -- a non-profit institution committed to transforming the quality of justice through advocacy, policy, and practice -- in 2012 and eventually became executive director in 2014. Before this, she also worked for 15 years at the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families. During her tenure as a social worker there, Ashley designed programs for youth "in the juvenile-justice, foster-care, and mental-health systems”.
Besides, in 2017 while serving as executive director of the Delaware Centre for Justice, Ashley also founded her passion project -- Livelihood -- an amalgamation of her two favorite things, fashion and social work. In its initial days, the brand collaborated with GILT Group and raised $30,000 for the Delaware Community Foundation Livelihood Inc. fund. “Livelihood is not about me, it’s about, We. This is a brand that is all-inclusive, non-partisan, and empowering. The goal is to educate one another about economic inequality in the United States, celebrate extraordinary everyday people, provide funding for economic advancement, restore decision making at the community level, and provide cozy, functional, and sleek hoodies.” a message from Ashley on the Livelihood site read.

According to the label’s site, it is “embarking on a re-launch”, with Ashley saying her “focus today is on the pursuit of my dream for community impact through innovative philanthropy, community reinvestment, and community empowerment via fashion.” Joe has also shown his support for his daughter’s brand at a New York Fashion Week Event, saying: “I'm very proud of her. She's been trying to change the world since she was three."
However, not just social work, Ashley has also campaigned for her father and supported him. Before appearing on the second night of DNC 2020, she also virtually hosted a Wisconsin Women For Biden event where she said: “I’m here today because I adore my father, but I also deeply believe he has the character and the vision to lead this country. When I say I’m ready for a Biden presidency, it’s not just because I think my dad is the best person. With my dad as president, he will help us solve some of the great challenges of our generation… And he has the empathy and fortitude to help us address the racial and economic disparities that undermine all communities…Make no mistake, women will decide this election. Women of color will decide this election.”

Earlier in 2018 when rumors started surfacing that Joe might be running for president in 2020, Ashley talked about her father’s influence on her and told DelawareToday: “I was always a mediator, and couldn’t stand someone getting made fun of or being bullied as a young girl. My dad always taught me that silence is complicity, and that I must stand up for anyone who was being treated unfairly. That has stayed with me through adulthood, and is the guiding principle in my professional life.”