Who dies in 'The Flash'? DC's latest superhero flick witnesses some gut-wrenching deaths

Spoilers for ‘The Flash’
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: ‘The Flash’ has been one of the most anticipated movies of 2023, and now that it is finally here, the experience feels almost surreal. With a runtime of 144 minutes, DC’s latest adventure had several talking points. Before the movie was even released, it was established that this movie would have several cameos, with an important one being Michael Keaton returning as Batman.
The trailers did give away a few key details of ‘The Flash’ ahead of time but it was nothing compared to what the movie actually had in store for the fans. ‘The Flash’ had some well-rounded characters who seeped their way into everyone’s hearts, which is why when certain characters died, it provided viewers with an emotional component that went beyond any multiversal theories or spaghetti timelines.
Who dies in ‘The Flash’?
Without a doubt, ‘The Flash’ had more deaths than one would have anticipated, which only made it a tougher watch. Some of these deaths were expected and felt like a natural progression for the movie, but the others came as a shock. It is important to note that while these deaths were emotional and shocking in ‘The Flash’, they don’t impact the bigger picture just as much. This means James Gunn won’t have to worry about following up on these deaths in his future movies as they worked superbly as standalone in ‘The Flash'.
Young Barry Allen
Eighteen-year-old Barry Allen’s life was turned upside down by the present Barry Allen. While young Barry took a while to grow on everyone, by the end of ‘The Flash’, he had crept into everyone’s hearts. This was an expected death and an inevitable sacrifice, which also lead to the death of Dark Flash, but fans got enough of young Barry and a glimpse into his hip life, which added greatly to the comedic element of ‘The Flash’. He will most certainly be remembered for a long time!

Supergirl or Kara was one of the best parts of ‘The Flash’ and her death left a gaping void in the movie despite both the Barrys trying to undo her death by going back in time. However, she was bound to be impaled by the hands of General Zod, no matter how hard they tried, especially Young Barry. James Gunn would have to twist and turn the multiverse to bring Supergirl back in future DC movies.

While Ben Affleck’s Batman or George Clooney’s Batman are chilling in some timeline, Michael Keaton’s Batman’s fate was truly the worst. Nevertheless, he died a heroic death, and this death was definitely one of the most emotional deaths in ‘The Flash’ and will be remembered for a long time. DC finally bid goodbye to Keaton’s Batman in this bittersweet ending.

Nora Allen
A can of tomatoes. That’s all it took for Nora to die. While this death wasn’t a shocker since it was established at the beginning of ‘The Flash’, there was a ray of hope. Barry broke all laws, time, and everything he could to try and save his mother from being killed, but at the end of the day, he had to accept the fact that her death was inevitable. Barry’s final goodbye with his mother will have you reaching for tissues, don’t say we didn’t warn you!

You can watch 'The Flash' from June 16, 2023, in theatres near you.