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Who are Samuel and Samson Ogoshi? Nigerian hackers extradited to the US over Michigan teen Jordan DeMay's sextortion death

Samuel and Samson Ogoshi have been extradited for the death of Jordan DeMay, 17, who shot himself on March 25, 2022
Samuel and Samson Ogoshi were extradited to the US to stand trial for the death of Jordan DeMay (EFCC Nigeria and Fassbender Swanson & Hansen)
Samuel and Samson Ogoshi were extradited to the US to stand trial for the death of Jordan DeMay (EFCC Nigeria and Fassbender Swanson & Hansen)

MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN: Nigerian men Samuel and Samson Ogoshi have been extradited to the US after being charged with the sexual extortion of a Michigan minor that resulted in his death.

After being blackmailed by Samuel and Samson, high school student Jordan DeMay, 17, ended his life by a self-inflicted gunshot on March 25, 2022, per Daily Mail.

Who are Samuel and Samson Ogoshi?

Samuel Ogoshi, 22, and his younger brother Samson Ogoshi, 20, have been extradited to the US following criminal allegations of sexual coercion and blackmail of the Marquette teenager Jordan DeMay, which resulted in DeMay’s death. 


The two brothers, who are originally residents of Lagos, Nigeria, were brought to the US on Sunday. They have been charged with four counts of sexual exploitation of minors and for causing Jordan DeMay's death.

What happened to Jordan DeMay?

In 2022, Samuel and Samson Ogoshi, along with Ezekiel Ejehem Robert, 19, posed as a woman online and coerced DeMay, who was a high school senior from Marquette, to send nudes. They hacked the Instagram account of a woman named Dani to conduct the extortion.

After DeMay sent the photos, the trio tried to extort money from DeMay and demanded $1000. They threatened that if he didn’t comply, the explicit images would be sent to DeMay’s friends and family. 

Per NBC, who obtained the screenshots of the text messages, the hackers blackmailed DeMay by saying, “I have screenshot (for) all your followers and tags. I can send this nudes to everyone and also send your nudes to your family and friends until it goes viral … All you've to do is to cooperate with me and I won't expose you.”

The threat continued, “Are you gonna cooperate with me ... Just pay me right now ... And I won't expose you.”

When they demanded $1000, DeMay said he had just $300 to send, which presumably did not satisfy the cyber scammers.

The 17-year-old student, who was expected to graduate school in a few months, responded, “I'm killing myself right now. Because of you.”

The scammers replied, “Good...Do that fast...Or I’ll make you do it...I swear to God.”

Per federal attorney Mark Totten, DeMay then shot himself to death, reported Daily Mail.

How will Samuel and Samson be punished?

If convicted, the Ogashi brothers will face a minimum of thirty years in prison. 

Totten said, “Sextortion is a horrible crime,” before adding, “To those who commit these crimes: we will pursue you around the world. And to those who are victims: please know we stand ready to help you.”

Samuel and Samson were arrested by the Nigerian authorities per the US’ request and handed over to them. 

Totten said, “I am extremely pleased with how swiftly extradition efforts moved forward and am grateful to the FBI and our Nigerian law enforcement partners for their unyielding work to secure justice in this international sexual exploitation investigation.”

Who are Jordan DeMay's parents?

Jordan DeMay’s father said in an interview with FOX, “My son was smart. He was a good student. He was a great athlete.”

He also added, “Someone came to his bedroom at 3 in the morning and murdered him through Instagram when we were all sleeping at night, and we had zero chance to stop it," reported New York Times.


He further added that he stopped monitoring his son’s phone when he grew older. 

Jordan’s mother is Jennifer Buta, who said in a statement to the police, “Jordan’s smile could light up any room. Jordan’s charm and beautiful smile were contagious, drawing people to him wherever he went and leaving a lasting impression on everyone he met. He wanted to connect and be everyone’s friend and he did just that.”

Jordan DeMay's parents John DeMay and Jennifer DeMay (Screenshot/YouTube/FOX 26 Houston)
Jordan DeMay's parents John DeMay and Jennifer DeMay (Screenshot/YouTube/FOX 26 Houston)