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Where is Michael Robertson now? Baltimore man killed pregnant girlfriend over 'sharing'

Michael Robertson already had an affair with another woman, with whom he shared children
Akia Eggleston was murdered by Michael Robertson (@WBFF/@oxygen)
Akia Eggleston was murdered by Michael Robertson (@WBFF/@oxygen)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Michael Robertson of Baltimore was sentenced to two life terms in prison for killing his pregnant girlfriend, Akia Eggleston. He was convicted on charges of first-degree murder and death of the unborn child during the highly publicized trial. The conviction brought closure for the family of Eggleston after a long period of agony.

It was a dramatic trial that convicted Robertson with major evidence from cell phone records and search histories showing his guilt. Now, he faces life in prison, far removed from what he took from Eggleston and their son, which will be uncovered more on the new episode of 'Dateline NBC'.

Who is Michael Robertson?

Michael Robertson of Baltimore, Maryland was convicted 42 years later of the murder of a pregnant woman. Akia Eggleston disappeared back in May 2017. Subsequent investigation revealed that Robertson was the father of Eggleston's unborn baby. He was then found guilty of killing Eggleston and her unborn son, Anubis.

Trial documentation showed, after the case, that Robertson had been the last one to see Eggleston alive. Among other evidence presented at trial were his cellular records, some incriminating Google searches. Prosecutors added that the motive by Robertson was over an argument regarding disclosure of Eggleston's pregnancy, which had gotten very heated, on social media.

Despite conviction, Eggleston's body has never been found, and now Robertson faces two life sentences in prison.

Akia was killed over an argument (@oxygen)
Akia was killed over an argument (@oxygen)

How many girlfriends did Michael Robertson have?

Michael Robertson's dating history is not that well-documented beyond Akia Eggleston. However, Michael is said to have had another girlfriend before Akia. Information about his previous relationship says that his former girlfriend made much difference in his life.

He was said to have had a long-term girlfriend Hail Pomeroy, with whom he stayed together in one house and whose child he had, and so the notion of family life is certainly there regarding a time before Eggleston.

Akia's family was a part of her trials (@nbc)
Akia's family was a part of her trials (@nbc)

Why did Michael Robertson kill Akia Eggleston?

Michael Robertson killed Akia Eggleston primarily due to jealousy and a heated argument over her pregnancy. Robertson was deeply upset about Eggleston sharing details of her pregnancy on social media, which caused significant tension between them.

Their relationship had been strained, and Robertson's anger over the public announcement of their unborn child escalated into violence. During a confrontation, Robertson killed Eggleston and disposed of her body. His actions were fueled by a combination of personal reasons and jealousy, resulting in the tragic loss of Eggleston and their unborn son.

Akia's body was forever missing (@nbc)
Akia's body was forever missing (@nbc)

Akia Eggleston’s financial plan irked Michael Robertson

One of the things that caused stress in their relationship was Akia Eggleston's financial plans. She was ready to put a down payment on a house for which Robertson was expected to live in along with Eggleston and her daughter. Apparently, this infuriated him; maybe he felt pressured or upset by the financial commitment and new chapter in their lives. Apart from personal issues and jealousy, the financial stress was all that added to the growing conflict between them, which led to that tragic outcome.

Michael was the baby father of Akia (@oxygen)
Michael was the baby father of Akia (@oxygen)

Where did Michael Robertson dump Akia Eggleston’s body?

Michael Robertson has never disclosed the location of Akia Eggleston's body. Although he has been convicted of her murder, the remains of Eggleston have never found. It has been assumed, based on the fact that he specifically looked for dumpsters and trash schedules following her disappearance, that he could have disposed of Eggleston in a dumpster or another waste facility. With such concrete information not provided by him, it would be impossible to determine the exact location of her remains.

Michael Robertson found guilty of two counts of first degree murder in 2017

Michael Robertson was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder in the death of Akia Eggleston and her unborn child. A jury returned that verdict based on the evidence presented before the court during trial; there were cell phone records and what Robertson searched on Google.

He was convicted on July 27, 2023, and is facing two life sentences. The conviction came after a long investigation and trial; it put an end to years of uncertainty for Eggleston's family.

Akia was killed by boyfriend (@cbs)
Akia Eggleston was killed by boyfriend (@cbs)