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Where is Crystal now? Dr Caplin removed butt cracks from 'Botched Bariatrics' patient's tummy in season finale

'Botched Bariatrics' Dr Courtney Caplin assisted Crystal, whose tummy tuck resulted in an unattractive stomach
UPDATED MAY 30, 2024
Crystal seeks help from 'Botched Bariatrics' doctor to revise her failed tummy tuck (@TLC)
Crystal seeks help from 'Botched Bariatrics' doctor to revise her failed tummy tuck (@TLC)

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA: Dr Courtney Caplin assisted a patient whose tummy tuck resulted in an unattractive stomach. Crystal ultimately sought Dr Caplin's assistance to conceal the scars on her stomach in the finale of 'Botched Bariatrics'. 

Dr Caplin repaired and enhanced Crystal's body contouring treatment, which had disappointing or troublesome outcomes. Dr Caplin knew the anguish that a failed treatment may cause.

So, soon before Crystal's wedding, the butt cracks on her tummy was gone, and she felt like herself again.

Crystal looking forward to planning her wedding with her fiance after 'Botched Bariatrics' procedure (TLC)
Crystal looking forward to planning her wedding with her fiance after 'Botched Bariatrics' procedure (TLC)

Who is Crystal in 'Botched Bariatrics'?

Cyrstal's wedding was postponed due to a failed belly tuck procedure. She characterized herself as "botched and butchered''.

When Crystal was younger, she never struggled with weight. Especially while she was in high school.

She was in ROTC, so she was always doing something. However, at the age of 19, she discovered she had diabetes, and her weight rapidly increased.

She went from 125 to 250 pounds. At 52, that was a lot.

Crystal experimented with diets and medications for 15 years. She tried everything—exercise, fasting—but nothing worked.

She couldn't lose weight and eventually had high blood pressure and back issues. Finally, physicians advised her to get a gastric bypass.

In 2007, she underwent surgery. Crystal thought she had made the correct decision. Within six months, she had shed 150 pounds.

She hadn't seen herself that large in years, and she had yet to regain that weight. However, there was a drawback to reducing so much weight so soon - and it was the excess skin.

She could tuck it inside her jeans. For her 50th birthday, she intended to have a stomach tuck.

Crystal was going to get at least 10 pounds of skin removed. With this much extra skin, a belly tuck should last at least 5 hours.

'Botched Bariatrics' patient Crystal was left with butt cracks on her tummy following failed tummy tuck (TLC)
'Botched Bariatrics' patient Crystal was left with butt cracks on her tummy following failed tummy tuck (@TLC)

What happened to Crystal in 'Botched Bariatrics'?

After months of searching, Crystal discovered Dr Caplin, a plastic surgeon who specializes in complicated reconstructive surgery. Crystal informed Dr Caplin how she shed 150 pounds in six months and then opted to have skin removal surgery.

Hearing the history of Crystal's last tummy tuck, Dr Caplin suspected that they had only removed a part of the skin that needed to be removed. She advised patients to wear a compressive garment for at least two weeks following their stomach tucks.

Dr Caplin complained about misconduct among doctors doing tummy tucks, which resulted in revisional surgeries in her own practice. Dr Caplin observed a huge furrow on Crystal's abdomen.

She realized it would be difficult to find out how to reconstruct her abdomen. Dr Caplin's worry with Crystal was determining how much scar tissue was there, because the more scar tissue there was, the more difficult it would be to remove the superfluous skin in order to draw everything tight and get the desired results.

Dr Caplin did what she did best: she returned Crystal to her previous state. She had a strong strategy for her procedure.

She went all the way around to repair her belly tuck, the dog ears, and the buttock lift in the rear. Furthermore, she next performed an incision in the midline to remove the superfluous skin, which Crystal referred to as her second butt crack.

The most difficult aspect of Crystal's operation was removing as much tissue as possible to make it as tight as possible while not limiting blood flow.

'Botched Bariatrics' patient Crystal approached Dr Courtney Caplin to fix her botched tummy tuck (TLC)
'Botched Bariatrics' patient Crystal approached Dr Courtney Caplin to fix her botched tummy tuck (TLC)

Who is Dr Courtney Caplin in 'Botched Bariatrics'?

In 2021, Dr Caplin was overjoyed to welcome Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates to her Jacksonville, Florida, residence. As a cosmetic surgeon with triple board certification, Dr Caplin is uniquely able to offer both men and women aesthetic procedures for the face, body, breasts, and skin.

Over the last seven years, she has performed hundreds of procedures with the best evaluations as a cosmetic surgeon in Oklahoma.

'Botched Bariatrics' Dr Courtney Caplin is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon (TLC)
'Botched Bariatrics' Dr Courtney Caplin is a triple-board-certified cosmetic surgeon (@TLC)

Watch all the episodes of 'Botched Bariatrics' now available on TLC.