Green Planet documentary shows that Queen Elizabeth is no fuddy duddy

As soon as anyone laid eyes on the trailer for ITV's latest documentary 'The Queen’s Green Planet,' featuring Sir David Attenborough and Queen Elizabeth II herself, it was a win-win.
Produced by ITN Productions, the documentary features a conversation between “two of the most consummate professionals on the planet” discussing the 1,400 trees planted in the Buckingham Palace gardens.
The film also showcases the monarch’s new initiative to create a vast network of native forests across Britain and the Commonwealth, aptly called the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy.

The hour-long documentary, which aired in the UK on Monday evening, revealed a lot about the Queen and her extravagant but extremely private life and thoughts.
The Queen definitely possesses a wicked sense of humor

Who would have thought that the monarch would have a killer sense of humor? Well, it looks like the Queen doesn't like to let a good joke go waste. During her walk for the documentary, she was extremely distracted by the sound of helicopters hovering over her. “Why do they always go round and round when you want to talk? Sounds like President Trump,” she says as Attenborough laughs, before skillfully adding, “Or President Obama.”
The Queen and Attenborough make for a delightful pair of 91-year-olds

The Queen’s Green Planet is not just a fantastic documentary, it also shows two 91-year-olds strolling the palace gardens, making funny and spontaneous conversations while keeping their viewers entertained and informed about the environment. And to a lot of viewers, it looked like a couple strolling through the park in their married bliss. Only if Prince Phillip knew what was brewing.
As soon as the buzz from the documentary reached fans and followers on Twitter, they could not help gush over the striking pair, with some even going to the extent of calling them the revered #relationshipgoals.
The Queen admits she's a difficult person to shop for

We all know how difficult it must be to buy a gift for someone who already is the ruler of an entire kingdom of her own. And the Queen herself agrees to being a difficult person to buy gifts for. "I’ve been quite difficult to give presents to," she said, to which Attenborough replied, "I believe that’s so yes."
However, not to be outdone by making fun at this, she justified herself, saying, "People think ‘oh let’s give her a plant or a tree or something.' My birthday last year was very useful. Very productive of roses and lots of plants."
Her wish to climb a tree someday

Even though she is the ruler of an entire country, the Queen still has a mischievous and fun side to her persona. While in conversation with Attenborough about trees, the Queen expressed her rather solemn desire to be able to climb one someday. "They’re the most magical trees because the branches are so noble and broad. One really wants to climb them!" said Attenborough, to which the Queen replied, "Yes! One never thought of climbing a plane tree!"
She's an ace when it comes to exercising soft power

According to Attenborough, the Queen is pretty great when it comes to getting work done without having to resort to extreme measures. One such example is when the monarch is sharing an anecdote about the president of Fiji, giggling about when she talked to him about following through with the green initiative of the Commonwealth.
"This is a certificate for you," she told the president of Fiji, "to prove that you’re going to do this," she added, giggling. Basically, it was futile to resist the cause, even if they weren't too keen on joining.
She's an out-and-out advocate for the environment

Although the entire documentary is about the Buckingham Palace gardens, the film portrays in a delicate manner how much the Queen cares about the environment and how she feels extremely passionate about the cause. And also that she's not ready to back down from her approach, even if other world leaders do not agree with her point of view. Case in point: Donald Trump's polar opposite views on maintaining the environment.
"If all the countries continue to plant it might change the climate again," she said, suggesting she doesn't share President Trump’s views about climate change. When Attenborough encouraged the opinion, saying that more forests would help the economies of the countries concerned and help the animals and the people living in them, she added: "Yes. It’s a lung isn’t it?"