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What is Sylvester Stallone's nationality? 'The Family Stallone' star received honorary citizenship in Puglia

'The Family Stallone' star Sylvester Stallone and his brother Frank received honorary citizenship in Puglia
UPDATED APR 19, 2024
'The Family Stallone' alum Sylvester Stallone has been honored with citizenship in Italy (Instagram/@officiallyslystallone)
'The Family Stallone' alum Sylvester Stallone has been honored with citizenship in Italy (Instagram/@officiallyslystallone)

PUGLIA, ITALY: 'The Family Stallone' star Sylvester Stallone is American by birth and nationality. The BAFTA awardee's paternal grandparents immigrated from Italy in the 1900s for better opportunities in the US.

Stallone on September 6, 2023, received honorary citizenship in Puglia, Italy. His father is of Italian descent and his mother is of Ashkenazi Jewish and French ancestry. 

The 'Rocky' star was awarded honorary citizenship in Gioia del Colle in an open-air ceremony on September 6, 2023, per reports by Panorama Italia.

"100 years ago my grandfather left this city and this was the key to his barbershop," Stallone addressed the crowd as he held aloft a large rusty key, adding, "He was bold enough to make that trip and because of that I am here today with my family."

Stallone, is of Apulian descent, with his paternal grandfather Silvestro originally from Gioia del Colle, and who immigrated to the United States in the early 1900s. 

'The Family Stallone' star Sylvester Stallone has written the scripts for the OG 'Rocky' (1976) movie and it's franchise (Instagram/@officiallystallone)
'The Family Stallone' star Sylvester Stallone's paternal family is from Italy (Instagram/@officiallystallone)

Sylvester Stallone gained honorary citizenship in Puglia and was warmly greeted by the city authorities. The family visited the city and the places where their paternal family lived before moving to the United States as part of a tour to learn about their ancestors.

The occasion was also attended by Puglia's President Michele Emiliano and General Director Antonio Parente. 

Sylvester addressed the crowd after he got the honorary citizenship in Puglia and waved a Bari Scarf. (Youtube/@ParamountPlus)
Sylvester addressed the crowd after he got the honorary citizenship in Puglia and waved a Bari Scarf. (Youtube/@ParamountPlus)

Sylvester Stallone waves the 'Bari scarf' expressing love for the city

Sylvester Stallone was honored with citizenship to the Italian city of Puglia where his grandfather was originally based. Sylvester also received the keys of Gioia del Colla in Bari.

The 'Rocky' and 'Rambo' actor was pleased with this as he was aware that his grandparents emigrated from Puglia to the US for a better life almost 100 years ago.

As a gesture of thanks, Stallone went to the balcony of the Town Hall with the scarf of the local football team and threw it in the air, holding it in both arms.

Sylvester addressed the crowd and said, "I am so proud to be part of such a beautiful and strong population. One hundred years ago my grandfather Sylvester left this city and this is the key to his barber shop. Then he dared to undertake a long journey. Thanks to that trip, today I am here with my family. As Rocky would say, therefore: 'I love you! Keep fighting!'" waving the keys to his grandfather's business, as per reports of Panorama Italia

Frank Stallone, the brother of Sylvester Stallone also received the honorary citizenship in Puglia along with him (Instagram/@frank.stallone)
Frank Stallone, the brother of Sylvester Stallone also received honorary citizenship in Puglia along with him (Instagram/@frank.stallone)

Who else received honorary citizenship in Gioia del Colle, Puglia along with Sylvester Stallone?

Along with Sylvester Stallone, his brother Frank Stallone was also given honorary citizenship in Gioia del Colle, Puglia. Frank Stallone is a well-known Grammy nominated musician, actor, and singer-songwriter. The brothers were accompanied by Sylvester Stallone's wife Jennifer Flavin.

His daughters Sophia, Scarlet, and Sistine also was a part of the ceremony. However, apart from Sylvester and his brother, the rest of the Stallones did not receive any honorary citizenship. 

Cast of 'The Family Stallone' Season 2 meets the pope while on a trip to Italy (YouTube/@ParamountPlus)
Cast of 'The Family Stallone' Season 2 meets the pope while on a trip to Italy (YouTube/@ParamountPlus)

Sylvester Stallone met Pope Francis on family trip to Italy

Apart from the heroic welcome that Sylvester Stallone and his family got on their trip to Puglia, they also traveled to Rome where they were received in a private audience by Pope Francis at the Vatican in September.

He greeted the Pope and according to the trailer they even exchanged warm smiles. The cordiality began with the two saying it was an honor to meet, with the Argentinian pontiff stating, "We grew up with his films."

Sly even enjoyed and joked about it, stating 'Ready to Box' as he imitated a boxer with his fists in position.

Sly was accompanied by his wife Jennifer Flavin their three daughters, Sophia, Scarlet, and Sistine, and brother Frank. 

It is expected that their trip to Italy was documented and will be aired on Paramount Plus in 'The Family Stallone' Season 2 when it releases on February 21, 2024.