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What is 'Foxitus'? Capitol rioter Anthony Antonio blames Fox News for brainwashing him: 'Believed what was fed'

'I'd like to hear him say it in his own words: I was brainwashed, it was all lies, I was wrong, I committed sedition because I'm a gullible fool who was suckered by Trump into treason,' one user said
Capitol rioter Anthony Antonio suffers from 'Foxitus' and 'Foxmania', according to his lawyer (Twitter)
Capitol rioter Anthony Antonio suffers from 'Foxitus' and 'Foxmania', according to his lawyer (Twitter)

The attorney of Anthony Antonio, who was involved in the Capitol riots, reportedly said that the rioter suffered from 'Foxitus' and 'Foxmania'. This was reported by Huffington Post's Ryan Reilly who tweeted about it on Thursday, May 6. Antonio, 27, surrendered to the police in Delaware in April 2021 and was charged with multiple crimes related to his presence when rioters attacked the police and burst their way into the Capitol and disrupted the certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

Reilly tweeted, "Attorney for Capitol defendant Anthony Antonio said his client had “Foxitus” and “Foxmania” from watching six months of Fox News and started “believing what was being fed to him” by Fox News and the president." He further said, "Antonio talked to the feds with his lawyer pretty early, and told them he saw “death” in the eyes of D.C. Police Officer Mike Fanone as the mob pulled the officer into the crowd."


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Capitol riots saw nearly 22 current or ex-members of US military, police forces involved in violence: Report



Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as people try to storm the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. - Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification (Getty Images)

An affidavit signed by an FBI agent seeking charges against Antonio states that the Delaware native climbed scaffolding outside the Capitol, entered the building through a broken window, poured water toward an officer being dragged downstairs by rioters, got hold of a riot shield and gas mask and made threatening statements toward officers. Antonio has five charges against him tied to the riot, including knowingly entering or remaining on restricted grounds, violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding and destruction of government property. 

As soon as Reilly's tweet came to light, Foxitus and Foxmania started trending on Twitter. One person said, "The Affluenza virus causes Foxitus which in its excited state can lead to terminal Foxmania." Mark Judson said, ""Foxitus" and "Foxmania"! ROFL! I hope those aren't as serious as "Affluenza"!! I'm not a Medical Doctor - but the cure is the same for ALL THREE: A Long Stint in Federal Prison!! Foxitis with Trump!!"



Another asked, "Foxitus That's a disease now? Not that I'm arguing. But I'd like to hear him say it in his own words: I was brainwashed, it was all lies, I was wrong, I committed sedition because I'm a gullible fool who was suckered by Trump into treason. Let's hear it. Under oath." One tweeted. "PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: “Foxitus” and/or “Foxmania” is a new medical condition anyone may contract if they watch 6 months or more of #FoxNews. Side effects include the delusional belief that Mr. Trump is still president and an overwhelming urge to storm the U.S. Capitol."

Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as people try to storm the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC (Getty Images)



Some had certain cures for 'Foxitus' as people said, "The only cure for for Foxitus is a Foxectomy." Listing the symptoms, another one said, "Do you suffer from 'Foxitus?' Symptoms may include the urge to commit sedition by storming the nation's Capitol to overturn a democratically held election. If you believe you may be suffering from Foxitus, consult a mental health professional."



More than 440 people have been charged with taking part in the Capitol siege, coming from all but six states Mississippi, North and South Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyoming. The largest number came from Texas, Pennsylvania and Florida, in that order.