'RHOA': Is this the secret Wendy Williams said NeNe Leakes is hiding from the world?

When talk show host Wendy Williams revealed to the world that ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta' star NeNe Leakes might be quitting the show, she also mentioned that the housewife is holding on to a secret that was capable of making anyone turn into mush. She said, “I know something about NeNe that you all will cry, be sad and feel bad for her. She’s carrying the weight of a huge thing on her shoulders. I’m not going to say it, she’s got to say it. But in my opinion, NeNe, you need this platform to explain the other part of your life.”
She added, “Forget arguing with them broads — you’ve got that secret, and that secret is going to melt their hearts. Because when she shared it with me, I cried with her.”
The talk show hostess got very emotional while talking about NeNe’s secret. Although she refused to reveal what the secret is, she made one thing very clear. It has nothing to do with her or her family’s health. Well, that didn’t leave us with much room for guessing. Who doesn’t love some mystery, as we were racking our head wondering what the usually outspoken NeNe was hiding so carefully, we came across a Reddit theory, which actually seems to fit the puzzle.
Remember the time when her husband, Gregg Leakes, was diagnosed with cancer and she seemed a tad bit self-centered and made it all about herself. While she did stand by him through all that, she didn’t seem like her usual self. She seemed very distant and cold. A Reddit user, Southernprincess99, picked on that and came up with the theory that Greg might have cheated on her with another woman and has a secret child. This was around the time he got diagnosed with cancer, which was also when the reality star began acting “crazy”, according to her.

The commentators on this discussion thread seem to agree with the writer’s theory and commented on their agreement and surprise over it. A comment reads, “I 100% believe this. She said on the show that she and Gregg were in an awful place like they didn’t know if their marriage would last awful, right before he got cancer. She said it to Marlo or Cynthia or something. So could be this. And then he got cancer and they were dealing with that but all the other stuff was underneath it. Feel bad for her.”
Such an explosive secret might explain why Wendy got emotional. Do you think this is the secret NeNe has been holding on to? Let us know.
‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Season 12 airs every Sunday at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo.