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Darrell Brooks trial is farcical: Waukesha killer takes off shirt, stuffs 'OBJECTION' sign down pants

Judge Jennifer Dorow explained that she would not back down despite Darrell Brooks' attempts to make a 'mockery' of the proceedings
Darrell Brooks (L) took off his shirt and stuffed an objection sign into his pants while Judge Jennifer Dorow (R) read his charges after muting his microphone (Law&Crime/ Video screengrab/YouTube)
Darrell Brooks (L) took off his shirt and stuffed an objection sign into his pants while Judge Jennifer Dorow (R) read his charges after muting his microphone (Law&Crime/ Video screengrab/YouTube)

WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN: Darrell Brooks who has been accused of running over six paradegoers in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last year during the Christmas parade has been removed from the court on the fourth day of his trial and appeared shirtless while live streaming from a separate room. In addition, the 40-year-old Waukesha killer stuffed a laminated "objection" sign into the waistband of his orange prison garb after the judge muted his mic so as to read his 77 charges without interruption, according to Daily Mail.

Darrell Brooks, 40, is accused of running people over and injuring 62 on November 21, 2021. He was arrested the same day and remained in custody. Although Brooks chose to represent himself during his trial, his numerous interruptions, irrational outbursts, and erratic behavior have caused him to be removed from the courtroom. On Thursday, October 6, the 40-year-old started interrupting the judge as soon as the proceedings got underway, and shortly after that, he and the judge engaged in an argument over his decision to wear prison garb in the courtroom, leading to his expulsion.


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Even though the opening statements were supposed to start on Thursday, Brooks's constant overreactions delayed them to the point where by midday they had not been spoken. When Brooks was sent to another courtroom, Waukesha County Circuit Judge Jennifer Dorow explained that she would not back down despite Brooks' attempts to make a "mockery" of the proceedings. The judge said, pointing to a video feed showing Brooks with his shirtless back to the camera, "It is very clear to this court that everything that he has done as outlined by the state and as made evident to the court of this proceeding that it is the sole intent of Brooks to make a mockery of this process." She added, "'It's important for the justice system to go forward with this proceeding. We are at the stage where we are with Brooks muted in another courtroom because of his defiant actions, no one else's."

Brooks appeared to be in the other courtroom making erratic gestures, arguing with court police, and holding up his objection sign to everything Judge Dorow said while retaining his microphone muted except when called upon to speak or respond to questions.

Sue Opper, the district attorney for Waukesha County, insisted that Brooks was able to withstand trial despite his outbursts. She declared, "I'm completely convinced he is 100 percent competent to proceed to trial. At no point has anyone, in this case, expressed a competency concern. We firmly believe that his actions are deliberate and intentional. He's attempting to derail these proceedings."

Brooks is accused of six first-degree intentional homicides and 61 counts of reckless endangerment. If found guilty of any of the homicide charges, he may spend the rest of his life in prison.