'Watchmen' Episode 2 hints at possibility of Lord of a Country Manor being imprisoned by Dr Manhattan on Mars

One of the most talked-about scenes in 'Watchmen' Episode 2 titled 'Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship' is the play that Jeremy Irons' character organizes with the help of Mr. Phillips (Tom Mison) and Ms. Crookshanks (Sara Vickers). This, of course, doesn't include the dialogue between Will Reeves (Louis Gossett Jr.) and Angela Abar (Regina King), but it is pretty much up there because this scene gives us clues to the Lord of a Country Manor's circumstances.
One of the burning questions fans have at the moment is if the Lord of a Country Manor, (who was accidentally confirmed as Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandius by HBO) on Earth at all? It must also be noted that so far there has been no connection between the Lord of a Country Manor and Adrian Veidt on the show itself.
Easter eggs in the first and the second episode of the show prove otherwise and there is love pouring in for one particular fan theory that supposes Veidt is currently imprisoned by Dr. Manhattan on Mars. This theory took root when fans noticed Veidt's manor is quite similar to the castle Dr. Manhattan destroys on Mars in a clip that was featured in the first episode.
The similarities between the structure were noticed right away, but logic won as fans thought it was too much of a stretch. Turns out, it was not really. In the second episode, there were multiple instances that support this theory.
For instance, the tomato that Veidt tastes directly from a tree, which he throws after taking just one bite is the first reference. The assumption is that these tomatoes are genetically engineered by Veidt to taste as it would on Earth, but he is unhappy with the results.
Then we have the Redford government announcing the end of the search for Adrian Veidt. In fact, the newspaper clipping reads, "FBI officially closes investigation into missing industrialist after a seven-year global search. Adrian Veidt, the billionaire industrialist, political kingmaker, and controversial futurist who first gained fame as a costumed adventurer, was officially declared 'presumed deceased' by authorities on three continents yesterday."
Has the FBI not been able to catch hold of Veidt because he is not on the planet? It is a possibility and so this brings us to the next reference. The play Veidt has organized called 'Watchmaker's Son', with his servants Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks' help.
Fans of the comics would know the Watchmaker's son is a reference to Dr. Manhattan whose father was a watchmaker. The revelation of Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks being clones also further supported fan theories Veidt is doing research on genetic engineering.

The much-talked-about scene featuring Mr. Phillips, who portrays the role of Dr. Manhattan in the play, rising from flames and his nudity, got much attention. Is the Lord of a Country Manor using the play as a means to call attention to himself? Fans wonder if this is his way of seeking help from Dr. Manhattan to find an escape from the loop he has been stuck in.
Redditor Bernard_Federko24 said, "I think Dr. Manhattan has Ozymandias trapped on Mars in that 'estate' that's just some terraformed chunk of the planet. So Ozymandias is stuck in some sort of loop/locked up with the dimwit clones and Ozy is trying to break out of it and get payback or figure out a way to get Manhattan's powers for himself."
There is also a reference to Veidt living in a loop since we see Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks wishing Veidt yet again with a cake that looks exactly the same as the one in Episode 1. Another Redditor UrbanGimli added, "I agree. Pushing the clones to act above their capabilities, riding out into the countryside until his legs are raw, all of this sorta points to him trying to escape his sandbox or continually testing its ever-growing limits. The one thing that points to it maybe being his own creation was him being surprised that the one Osterman clone built him a watch. Maybe there is some innovation happening somewhere... I love a mystery. I hope it all plays out to our satisfaction."
Finally, in the promo video that portrays scenes from what's coming up next, we definitely see Veidt trying to build a machine to travel away from his manor. Initially, the assumption was Veidt is trying to elevate himself to become the next Dr. Manhattan by finding his way to Mars.
What if it was the other way round and Veidt is trying to find his way back to Earth in time to set about a change that humanity is ready for? It would definitely be fascinating to see how this mystery plays out in the upcoming episodes.
'Watchmen' Episode 3 titled 'She Was Killed by Space Junk' which will air November 3 on HBO at 9 p.m. ET, will explore Veidt's circumstances and his aspirations for humankind further.