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First officer at Marilyn Monroe’s death scene shares chilling details: "The entire house was..."

Jack Clemmons, the first cop at Marilyn Monroe’s death scene, made bold claims of murder, saying: “The evidence was destroyed.”
Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) leans out of the open window frame of a car on the set of 'The Misfits,' directed by John Huston, Nevada, 1960. (Cover image source: Photo by Ernst Haas | Getty Images)
Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) leans out of the open window frame of a car on the set of 'The Misfits,' directed by John Huston, Nevada, 1960. (Cover image source: Photo by Ernst Haas | Getty Images)

Marilyn Monroe, Hollywood’s ultimate icon, died at 36 under circumstances that still fuel conspiracy theories. Per Vanity, the actress was found dead in her Los Angeles home on August 4, 1962, and it was later established that the cause of death was an overdose of pills and not suicide. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, reportedly broke into her room at 3:30 a.m. and found her dead, an empty pill bottle by her bedside. However, in the interim, many conspiracy theories were born, leading to the suspicion that Monroe’s death was not an accident but a murder.

PALM SPRINGS, CA - 1954: Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait laying on the grass in 1954 in
Actress Marilyn Monroe poses for a portrait laying on the grass in 1954 in Palm Springs, California. (Image source: Photo by Baron/Hulton Archive | Getty Images)

According to a Daily Star article, a resurfaced interview with former LAPD officer Jack Clemmons, the first policeman at the scene, is reigniting these doubts. In the 2016 Marilyn Monroe Declassified documentary, Sergeant Jack Clemmons of the Los Angeles Police Department made hefty claims that the singer was murdered. In it, he said, “I do not hesitate at all to call this what it simply is. It is a murder. He further added, "And I do not hesitate at all to go and say that a conspiracy existed between the police department, the coroner’s office, and the LA County District Attorney’s Office to conceal this murder and pass it off as a suicide.” 


Furthermore, in one of Clemmons' past interviews, when asked, “What do you think that Marilyn’s housekeeper and her psychiatrist were lying to you?” Clemmons said, “The story that they discovered the situation around midnight and they waited over four hours to call the police—that didn’t make any sense at all. I thought at the time that this would later be explained in the official report, so I didn’t press the matter.” The interviewer pointed out a chilling detail: “It’s before dawn, you arrive to investigate a death, and the washing machine is going... I mean, isn’t that suspicious?” Clemmons agreed. “Yes, it is! However, the entire house was very neat—everything had been picked up, and nothing was out of place. I attributed this and the laundry equipment being in operation to the fact that these people were very much concerned with public appearances. Because 50 or 100 people were going to come in and out of this house—it was very prominent, and a lot of publicity was going to be generated.” Pressed on what he thought now, Clemmons admitted, “I got into an unofficial investigation for a while, and it became apparent to me that what was happening was evidence was being destroyed.”


Monroe’s death remains one of Hollywood’s most debated mysteries. Per Esquire, the Netflix documentary 'The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes' sheds new light on the inconsistencies in her case. Biographer Anthony Summers, after compiling hundreds of interviews, suggests the official timeline was flawed. According to the documentary, Monroe showed signs of distress as early as 10:30 p.m., hours before her body was officially discovered. A recording from the documentary features the wife of Monroe’s publicist, Arthur Jacobs, claiming, “That’s not true, because my husband was there. My husband fudged everything off.” Summers’ research further suggests Monroe was still alive when paramedics arrived and was rushed to the hospital, contradicting the widely accepted narrative that she died in her bedroom.