‘Warrior’ Season 2 Episode 10 ‘Man On The Wall’: Ah Sahm or Dylan Leary, who will win the final fight?

Spoilers for ‘Warrior’
Battles, brawls and bloodbaths... ‘Warrior’ is all about fighting for the greater good. Sketched out from Bruce Lee's original idea, the Cinemax series is the crème de la crème of action shows with not only the best kung fu moves — kicking (踢), hitting (打), wrestling (摔) and grabbing (拿) — but swashbuckling nunchaku adventures too.
Three years and two seasons later, what is the one thing ‘Warrior’ can surprise you with? Ever since the show premiered, Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji) and Dylan Leary (Dean Jagger) have been at loggerheads with each other. An immigrant to the United States just like the Chinese, Leary may be foreign to the land but he has been supporting the cause of dragging Chinamen out. After their brief encounter in Season 1, could the second season fulfill the dream of seeing the two stalwarts exchanging blows again?
“I was also looking forward to Ah Sahm fighting Leary. Leary was shown as unstoppable in pretty much all his fights so far, and it had a real East vs West fighting style thing going on. I expected the fight to be inconclusive because those two are definitely meeting again,” one Reddit fan said at the end of Season 1 while another wrote, “The Leary fight was definitely a good tease of what's to come between the two — its gonna be a long year to wait for season two.”

When will Ah Sahm and Dylan Leary fight?
In the penultimate episode, the Chinese Tongs come together to save their man from being slaughtered in broad daylight. In all the chaos, Leary finds him conflicted but will he let go of his notions so easily? Perhaps, a brawl with Ah Sahm is just what he needs to realize he is on the wrong side. With all those hints of their rivalry, it seems quite clear that the two will have a sparring match in the final episode, ‘Man On The Wall’.
So are you ready for the final showdown between a brooding, angsty Ah Sahm and the hulking, hypocrite Irish activist Leary? Now the question arises who will beat the other? Ah Sahm has won all his fights, except the one battle with Li Yong (Joe Taslim). Ever since Season 1 began, revenge for that life-threatening loss is the only thing on his mind. With Rosalita Vega's (Maria-Elena Laas) help, he has encountered all kinds of fighters in the Barbary Coast Fight Pit and grown stronger.
Ah Sahm is super skilled and experienced when it comes to fighting it out. Nonetheless, Leary has a natural flair and a beefed-up body for fights.

Does size matter and will it be realistic?
“Leary has some fighting skills...” one Reddit fan thought, adding, And while I may be downvoted to dust, he would destroy Ah Sahm simply because of the size difference. Bruce Lee himself often said Western Boxing was one of the most dangerous forms of combat and said big white guys' punches were ‘like trucks rolling in’. He also constantly mentioned how somebody like Muhammed Ali would wreck him because he is highly trained, and just so much bigger than him.” The fan added, “So when these two face-off if it's a bare-knuckle match Leary will smash Ah Sahm. If it's a real fight, however, then blades may be used, in which case Ah Sahm would have the speed advantage and likely destroy Leary easily.”
Wondering what their size is, one fan wrote, “Dean Jagger is only about 6'1.5". Bisping is around the same height and he's only 209 lbs normally. If he was 240 lbs +, he'd be massive compared to the rest of the crew, but he really isn't. Besides, a bigger dude can get KO'd IRL. It's not unrealistic.” Another said, “The REALITY is that Andrew Koji is only 140-150 lbs which makes this fight a lightweight vs a cruiserweight.”
If Ah Sahm wins, will it be realistic? One fan joined in, saying, “I agree that size matters. It's not unrealistic for a bigger guy to be efficiently beaten is what I'm saying. But yeah I get how you could've thought that. Like I always thought Ah Toy was taller than Mai Ling for some reason, but they're the same height.”

Ah Sahm or Dylan Leary, who will win?
Is there a chance Dylan Leary could beat Ah Sahm?
Size matters, but bigger guys can be beaten with the right skillset. One fan said, “I totally agree that bigger people can be beaten, especially if untrained. We've all seen videos of bodybuilders getting owned by skinny fighters. But this most recent episode with Leary bare-knuckle boxing....the way they choreographed that fight, he has some serious skills; evasion, excellent use of angles, and beastly power. And of course, as a boxer, his center of gravity is always grounded because he keeps both feet planted.”
Another fan wondered, “Who knows if they're actually equally skilled?” He added, “If they were, then of course Ah Sahm would most likely be defeated by dudes like Bolo and Leary.” Picturing how it would translate on screen, one said, “The real fight would go like this: Leary would haywire a swing, Ah Sahm would bend and use his elbow to strike Leary hard in the face, knocking him out instantly. Or he would bend down and use his trained legs to kick Leary so hard in the legs that he would break them. Or, the other way around, he would fail to avoid the swing by Leary and dropdown.”
‘Warrior’ premiered on October 2, 2020, with Season 2 and the last two episodes will air on Cinemax on Fridays from 10 pm ET to 11 pm ET. Catch ‘Enter The Dragon’ on November 27, 2020, and the season finale ‘Man On The Wall’ on December 4, 2020.