'WandaVision' Episode 9 Review: A bittersweet ending for Wanda and Vision in predictable yet puzzling finale

Spoilers for 'WandaVision' Episode 9
'WandaVision' Episode 9 lived up to every degree of the feverish excitement it spread. The first miniseries in the Disney+ slate was a runaway hit since its debut and Episode 9 was all but a major humdinger. And as predictable as it may seem, the ending is all but bittersweet.
To get some of the spoilers out of the way: No Doctor Strange, and all there is, is a name drop of the 'Sorcerer Supreme'. White Vision is alive, and out there somewhere. There is, however, a major Nick Fury reference that in the mid-credits scene. The post-credits is all about the illness that Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) starts to suffer. She might have detached from her physical self as she puts back, what is presumably the Darkhold, but there is the start the just will connect to 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.'
There is immense fan service in the form of a major Wanda vs Agatha battle. Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) ends the day by being a victim of madness and the nosy neighbor. But we have her to thank for the glorious metamorphosis of Wanda as the Scarlet Witch. The action is slambang, the comedic element is mercifully less, and the emotional melodrama is over the top. But of course, in the end, all that 'WandaVision' is, is a love story.
The focus of the episode is more so on the ending. It was always predictable. Wanda knew that she had to right her wrongs, and no matter the outcome, she'd have to live with the beautiful memories she made while creating Westview. As far as the future of the character in the MCU goes, she's far from done and this show just might be the platform to set the storyline and welcome the X-Men into the universe.
'WandaVision' Episode 9 might not be overly amazing, but nor is an utter disappointment. There is more to borrow and speculate from the mid and the post-credit scene than the actual 50 minutes that most hoped would be more, or even an Episode 10.
To round up the remaining storylines, White Vision, with the memories of Vision is now alive and just might be the cure for Wanda, who's starting to fall mentally ill in the post-credits. Billy and Tommy had their brief time in the series, even had enough action to make fans go crazy, and the Vision vs White Vision was just a pure action-packed filler. Tyler Hayward is behind bars, meaning the rightful commander of SWORD, Nick Fury will take control in a really short time.
In all, 'WandaVision' was worth the nine weeks. Every minute of it. 'WandaVision' Episode 9 is available for streaming on Disney+.