VP Debate 2020: Kamala Harris’s ‘pure gold’ expressions and ‘WTF face’ in response to Pence dubbed real winner

Vice President Mike Pence and his Democratic rival Kamala Harris faced off during the vice-presidential debate on Wednesday, October 7, at the University of Utah's Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City. Moderated by Susan Page, the current Washington Bureau Chief for USA Today, the 90-minute debate highlighted many topics such as the coronavirus, taxes, jobs, climate change as well as the recent cases of police brutality.
During the debate, Pence tried to interrupt Harris several times but was met with a stern response: "Mr Vice President, I'm speaking!" What's more, Harris was quite bold and brazen with her answers and didn't shy away from lambasting President Donald Trump or leaving Pence dumbfounded with her answers. However, it was her facial expressions that truly took the cake.

Amid all the eye rolls, head shaking, and sly smiles, Harris did snub Pence with her stern look and her surly tone one too many times. Before the debate, body language expert and motivational speaker Patti Wood told the Independent: "Audiences often determine who they think is the ‘winner’ in a fraction of a second of seeing the candidates on stage together before the debates have started based on the nonverbal charismatic factors of likeability, attractiveness and power without noting the fourth of those four first impression factors, credibility."
It didn't take long for the Internet to notice that and soon they crowned her facial expressions as the "real winner" of the night. "Kamala Harris's facial expressions for president," MoJo podcast host Jamilah King said. "I love Kamala Harris so much. Listening to her is refreshing, she knows what she’s talking about, and her facial expressions in response to Pence are terrific. She’s going to make one hell of a Vice President," one Twitter user posted. A third went on to write, "The only reason I watched tonight’s #VPdebate was to witness the pure gold of Kamala Harris’ facial expressions as she listened to Mike Pence’s worthless dunce babble while preparing to eviscerate him. I’m here for the WTF face."
I love Kamala Harris so much. Listening to her is refreshing, she knows what she’s talking about, and her facial expressions in response to Pence are terrific. She’s going to make one hell of a Vice President. 💙
— Alicia Carlson 💙 🇺🇸 (@AmicaAli) October 8, 2020
The only reason I watched tonight’s #VPdebate was to witness the pure gold of Kamala Harris’ facial expressions as she listened to Mike Pence’s worthless dunce babble while preparing to eviscerate him. I’m here for the WTF face. pic.twitter.com/VgIpj9Wfof
— Melinna Bobadilla (@MelinnaTeatrina) October 8, 2020
One Twitter user said, "Kamala Harris’s facial expressions during this debate are hilarious lmaooo. she’s so done w his s**t." A second one posted, "Kamala Harris’ facial expressions and body language are giving me LIFE right now." And a third chimed in, "I think we can all agree Kamala Harris’s facial expressions are the real winner of this debate."
Kamala Harris’ facial expressions and body language are giving me LIFE right now.
— Andrew Stilwell (@stilwell) October 8, 2020
I think we can all agree Kamala Harris’s facial expressions are the real winner of this debate.
— Daniel, First of His Name (@HisNameIsVanity) October 8, 2020
However, many slammed her for the "teenager" facial expressions. "Kamala Harris is TERRIBLE in a one on one debate. There's nowhere for her to hide. Her uncontrollable smarmy teenager facial expressions are on screen the entire time. I knew she would be bad but I didn't think she would be this bad," one tweet read and another said, "Kamala Harris needs to stop with the childish facial expressions." One posted, "Kamala Harris is unlikable with her smug facial expressions. #VPDebate."
Kamala Harris is TERRIBLE in a one on one debate. There's nowhere for her to hide. Her uncontrollable smarmy teenager facial expressions are on screen the entire time. I knew she would be bad but I didn't think she would be this bad.
— Spay & Neuter the Media (@k_ovfefe2) October 8, 2020
Kamala Harris needs to stop with the childish facial expressions
— Jordan Rachel - Text JORDAN to 88022 (@TheJordanRachel) October 8, 2020
Kamala Harris is unlikable with her smug facial expressions. #VPDebate
— David Dudenhoefer #ReplaceRashida Tlaib (@Dude4Liberty) October 8, 2020
A pair of plexiglass barriers separated the two and they were seen standing behind a desk. Tested ahead of time, the two didn't shake hands and there were "a small number of ticketed guests" who were also tested before the debate with masks compulsorily needed in the debate hall.
The candidates were seated over 12 feet apart, as opposed to the original 7 feet that had been planned after the outbreak of Covid-19 in the White House. The debate was aired live on CNN, CNN en Español and CNN International.