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Is Vogue reprinting controversial Kamala Harris issue? VP's team had slammed magazine for 'washed out' cover

Following the 'whitewashing' controversy, Vogue Magazine is said to be using an alternative photo of Vice President Kamala Harris for its print edition
Kamala Harris is sworn in as Vice President as her husband Doug Emhoff holds the Bible at the US Capitol (Getty Images)
Kamala Harris is sworn in as Vice President as her husband Doug Emhoff holds the Bible at the US Capitol (Getty Images)

It looks like Vogue Magazine is finally going ahead with the “limited edition” of the controversial informal cover shoot of Vice President Kamala Harris. The noted magazine is said to be using a different image of Harris for its print edition after photo critics and social media users criticized the original cover photo for appearing “washed out". The alternative picture that shows Harris in a blue suit against a gold background will now appear in a limited print run.

CNN reported that Vogue America reportedly plans to publish a new version of its February issue featuring Harris on the front cover. However, the print team intends to use the widely preferred alternative cover instead of the original cover photo, which triggered the “whitewashing” controversy in the media circle.


Kamala Harris' Vogue Magazine Controversy

On January 11, 2021, Harris’ Vogue Magazine cover photos were shared on the magazine’s social media handles. Several social media users labeled the magazine’s photo cover as a washed-out mess. Many went on to claim that the attire’s choice is somewhat disrespectful to the Vice President of the United States of America. In addition to this, many even claimed that the magazine digitally enhanced the pictures. The magazine denied the accusations that it has lightened Harris’s skin tone after the shoot.

Harris’ team stated that they had expected the powder blue outfit to be used as the main cover photo. The second photo, which featured Harris in the casual blazer, pants and Converse sneakers, was expected to appear inside the magazine. As per a source familiar with the magazine, Harris’ team expected that Vogue’s cover photo would feature Harris in a powder blue suit, photographed in front of a background that looked similar to the Oval Office.

Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

Following the media backlash, Vogue’s editorial team agreed to make the more formal photo the cover of its digital edition.

“When the two images arrived at Vogue, all of us felt very, very strongly that the less formal portrait of the Vice President-elect really reflected the moment that we were living in,” Vogue’s editor-in-chief Anna Wintour said in her statement to The New York Times. “We are in the midst… of the most appalling pandemic that is taking lives by the minute, and we felt to reflect this tragic moment in global history, a much less formal picture, something that was very, very accessible, and approachable, and really reflected the hallmark of the Biden-Harris campaign…”

Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

Vogue has now shared a message on its website that in celebration of the historical moment, they will be printing a limited number of special edition inaugural issues featuring Harris. As per the magazine, the alternative cover photo magazine will only be made available in the United States.