Fairfax county schools slammed for asking 10-yr-olds if they had sex, are transgenders

Schoolchildren as young as 10 at Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia reportedly had to face some very difficult questions as they were handed down a survey to answer by their institutes. The survey asked the students questions like if they identify themselves as transgenders, about their sexual encounters and suicide attempts.
Other survey points included, “My parent has had their body hurt from actions (such as punching, kicking, choking, shoving, and pulling of hair) by a spouse/partner,” “How many times in the past year have you: … said something bad about someone’s race or culture?” and “Have you ever had a partner in a dating or serious relationship who: …pressured you into having sex (going all the way) when you didn’t want to?”
A copy of the school survey was obtained by Parents Defending Education — “a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas.” It works towards “fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and promoting the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.”
The survey also contained questions like if the kids “sniffed glue, breathed (huffed) the contents of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other gases or sprays in order to get high in the past 30 days?” or have they “taken a prescription drug other than painkillers such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Xanax without a doctor's order in the past 30 days?” before concluding if they were honest while answering the questions.
Asra Q Nomani, co-founder of The Muslim Reform, shared a copy of the survey on Twitter and wrote: “A mom sent us this tip 2 weeks ago @DefendingEd : @fcpsnews is surveying children as young as 10 about their sex lives. It's being exposed, and folks wonder how @VASecofEdu @GovernorVA @VDOE_News approved this. Here is the link and all survey questions: https://fcps.edu/sites/default/files/media/forms/SSAW-FFX-Youth-Survey-8-10-12.pdf.”
A mom sent us this tip 2 weeks ago @DefendingEd: @fcpsnews is surveying children as young as 10 about their sex lives. It's being exposed, and folks wonder how @VASecofEdu @GovernorVA @VDOE_News approved this.
— Asra Q. Nomani 🐻Mama Bear “Domestic Terrorist” 🧸 (@AsraNomani) October 19, 2021
Here is the link and all survey questions: https://t.co/GDSspVBYv8 pic.twitter.com/o6Z02aIZym
A user tweeted in response, “It’s irresponsible - and lazy - to survey kids to gather these data. We have SO MUCH authoritative data from much better sources to pull from. Census data, WIC and other social programs, medical institutions, law enforcement, etc - the agencies are too stupid so they ask the kids.” Another one wrote, “10 years old and younger have known idea about these sex related questions and only confuses them making them and pressuring for them to make a decision. Let the kids be kids! Also it sounds like the school is trying to pry into the privacy of the students family!”
It’s irresponsible - and lazy - to survey kids to gather these data. We have SO MUCH authoritative data from much better sources to pull from. Census data, WIC and other social programs, medical institutions, law enforcement, etc - the agencies are too stupid so they ask the kids
— Free 2 Blaspheme - #FreeRaif #FreeNazanin (@WTFISaHashtag1) October 19, 2021
10 years old and younger have known idea about these sex related questions and only confuses them making them and pressuring for them to make a decision. Let the kids be kids! Also it sounds like the school is trying to pry into the privacy of the students family!
— Furbanger (@furbanger) October 19, 2021
However, there were many who did not find anything wrong with the survey questions as a person asked, “This is an anonymous survey that has been done nationally since the 1970s to gauge drug use, exposure, mental health, etc. That way, we can recognize and address issues. What the problem?” Another one shared, “Yes. You think kids have never heard these terms or are scarred from reading them 3 times? Only people looking to make trouble are finding issue. I also wonder where they’ve all been. I’ve been an educator for over 20 years. it’s not new nor controversial.” “There's nothing wrong w/this test, it's not asking which sexual activities they like best, just basic info. It's rare to have a 10 yr old in upper grades but sex is a common topic w/teens so they'll be hearing plenty ideas. Kids r more honest on these tests than w/their parents,” a tweet read.
This is an anonymous survey that has been done nationally since the 1970s to gauge drug use, exposure, mental health, etc. That way, we can recognize and address issues. What the problem?
— Susan Dupree (@SusanDupree2) October 19, 2021
Yes. You think kids have never heard these terms or are scarred from reading them 3 times?
— Seeking 💛 Justice (@combienDUtemps) October 19, 2021
Only people looking to make trouble are finding issue. I also wonder where they’ve all been. I’ve been an educator for over 20 years. it’s not new nor controversial.
There's nothing wrong w/this test, it's not asking which sexual activities they like best, just basic info. It's rare to have a 10 yr old in upper grades but sex is a common topic w/teens so they'll be hearing plenty ideas. Kids r more honest on these tests than w/their parents.
— Becky (@RacismDidntDie) October 19, 2021