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Virginia Beach gunman, 40, spoke to colleague and brushed his teeth before shooting at municipal building leaving 12 people dead

40-year-old DeWayne Craddock was described as a 'loner ex-National Guardsman' who had worked as a city engineer for 15 years

The gunman who "brushed his teeth and chatted to a colleague" before he "indiscriminately" started fatally shooting 12 workers and then dying in a gun battle with the authorities at the Virginia Beach municipal center has been pictured for the first time.  The shooter, 40-year-old DeWayne Craddock, has been described as a "loner ex-National Guardsman" who had worked as a city worker for 15 years.

It was reported that Craddock used two .45 caliber pistols that he had bought legally in 2016 and 2018 during the massacre that took place on Friday, May 31. A search warrant of his home revealed two more legal handguns. It is yet to be revealed if there was an intended target or what the motive was.

In what is still considered strange, Craddock was seen brushing his teeth in the office restrooms where he even exchanged pleasantries with a colleague who wished him a good weekend. An engineering technician with the department of public works, Joseph Scott, told CNN: "He was in there brushing his teeth, which he always did after he ate."

He added: "I said 'Hey, how you doing? What are you doing this weekend?' It was just a brief conversation. I'm sure I'm going to hear all kinds of things about DeWayne, but I liked him. I worked with him. He was what I thought was a good person. When we were together, we would talk about family, friends, things that we were going to do, trips we were going to take and things like that."

DeWayne Craddock, a longtime city employee, opened fire at the building Friday before police shot and killed him, authorities said. (Source: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Scott also said that he worked with Craddock, whom one government source has called a "disgruntled employee", for a few years. He said that he doesn't want the shooter to be "painted as an evil person" and added that "something happened, but it wasn't his nature". 

Virginia Beach City Manager Dave Hansen said in a press conference on Saturday that Craddock had been an employee of the city for 15 years as an engineer. He then added that the shooter was still employed when the incident occurred which means he had a security pass that allowed him access to any nonpublic areas of the municipal building.

Craddock in school (Source: Denbigh High School)

Neither Hansen or Virginia Beach Police Chief James Cervera confirmed if Craddock was facing  any disciplinary or termination proceedings at the time of the shootings.

Neighbors told WAVY that Craddock was quiet and kept to himself. Cassetty Howerin said: "You heard him walking around; he would drop stuff at like 2 a.m., and me and my roommate would try to figure out what he was doing. In the year I've been there, we've maybe had three conversations and that's about it. I know what gym he goes to. That's about it. I never saw him take trash out, never saw him bring groceries in, never saw people coming in or out. He was very to himself."

People gather to pray during a vigil in response to a fatal shooting at a municipal building in Virginia Beach, Va., Saturday, June 1, 2019 (Source: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Craddock's family has since posted this note on their front door: "The family of DeWayne Craddock wishes to send our heartfelt condolences to the victims. We are grieving the loss of our loved one. At this time we wish to focus on the victims and the lives lost during yesterdays tragic event. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who lost their lives, and those recovering in the hospital."

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