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'Spider-Man: Far From Home' may see Venom, not Deadpool, make an appearance in the MCU movie

A tweet from an industry insider has sparked off rumors that Tom Hardy's Venom may make an appearance in 'Spider-Man: Far From Home', instead of Ryan Reynold's Deadpool

A rumor has sprung up claiming that Tom Hardy's Venom may appear in Sony and Marvel Studios' upcoming 'Spider-Man: Far From Home', and not Ryan Reynold's Deadpool. In 2015,  Sony and Marvel Studios officially struck a deal to share custody of Spider-Man so he could appear in the MCU, but Sony retained the character's film rights. Sony owns 'Spider-Man' movie rights and related movies like 'Venom' and 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'.

A recent tweet by an industry insider Roger Wardell mentioned that Sony "desperately wants" Tom Hardy's Venom in 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' and Deadpool will not make an appearance in the film.

Tom Holland as Spider-Man

"There are no plans to add Deadpool in an MCU Spider-Man 3, but Sony desperately wants Tom Hardy's Venom in this movie. Deadpool had his own movies but never showed up in the main X-Men films, it will be the same for the MCU," read the tweet. Roger Wardell's Twitter handle is known for his accurate predictions. In December, he had leaked 'Avengers: Endgame' spoilers which turned out to be true and were revealed as legitimate months later. The recent tweet points out that Deadpool will be kept separate from the MCU in the post-Disney/Fox deal world, just as he was mostly separate from the main 'X-Men' films before the deal.

Tom Hardy had previously said that he wants his 'Venom' to cross over into the MCU and 'Spider-Man' actor Tom Holland had also shared that he wants to take on Venom. But there is no indication of a crossover yet, with no official statements out on whether or not this is a possibility. However, if Venom does enter the MCU, that might have major ramifications for Sony's spinoff film universe. There are also plans for a possible sequel to 'Venom' for release in 2020 and films focused on other 'Spider-Man' characters.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige had said there is "no plan" for Venom in the MCU, calling the Hardy movie "a Sony project". But later, when asked if that rules out a future 'Spider-Man' and 'Venom' crossover, he said, "We never say never." Feige added, however, that a merger between the two universes was unlikely to happen "any time soon".

Amy Pascal, who serves as producer on both 'Venom' and the rebooted 'Spider-Man' franchise, once said the Sony-produced films would act as tie-ins for the MCU, telling FilmStarts in June 2017 the films "will now take place in the world that we are creating for Peter Parker." Pascal later clarified her comments when speaking to during the 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' press tour, explaining "all these characters are a part of the Marvel comic book universe."

"In that universe, they are all related to each other. Kevin makes characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe," she said adding, "These characters are separate, except for Spidey, who belongs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is why he's there."

The integration of Deadpool into 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' also seems unlikely due to his movies being R-Rated. The solo films are expected to remain R-Rated, although there is no guarantee that Marvel may not opt for its standard PG-13 rating. 

Directed by Jon Watts, 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' is slated to release in theatres on July 2. It stars Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, JB Smoove, Jacob Batalon and Martin Starr, with Marisa Tomei and Jake Gyllenhaal.

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