Uvalde shooter Salvador Ramos purchased firearms 3 months BEFORE turning 18, reveals report

UVALDE, TEXAS: One of the most shocking mass shootings of this year came on May 24, Tuesday, when 18-year-old Salvador Ramos entered the Robb Elementary School in south Texas and unleashed fire on children and teachers, killing 19 fourth-graders and two of their teachers. He was later fatally shot by the officials. It was even discovered that Salvador shot his grandmother minutes before he went on this rampage. This news surely raised some burning questions about the Texas gun law. Now, a new probe launched into the Uvalde school shooting revealed shocking details about how the shooter managed to gather the weapons in the first place.
The 77-page-report explained how Salvador, 18, managed to get his weapons and accessories even when he wasn't legal. The report stated that his parents denied his request so he got busy purchasing the weapons 3 months before the massacre, also buying "60 30-round magazines, a holographic weapon sight, and a Hellfire Gen 2 snap-on trigger system." The report also stated that "an online retailer shipped 1,740 rounds of 5.56mm 75-grain boat tail hollow point [bullets] to his doorstep, at a cost of $1,761.50. Also ordered a Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 (an AR-15-style rifle) for shipment to a gun store in Uvalde, at a cost of $2,054.28 (including tax and transfer fee)." Ramos also "bought a Smith and Wesson M&P15 (also an AR-15-style rifle) at the same store in Uvalde, at a cost of $1,081.42."
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6 days before the attack, On May 18, as per the reports, "He returned … for 375 rounds of M193, a 5.56mm 55-grain round with a full metal jacket, which has a soft core surrounded by a harder metal." He went back to buy more weapons only 2 days later, “He returned again to pick up his other rifle when it arrived on May 20, 2022, and he had store staff install the holographic sight on it after the transfer was completed." So, what exactly are the Texas gun laws, and how was Salvador able to get so much damage-worthy material even before turning 18?

What are the Texas gun laws?
The government was under serious scrutiny when Salvador did what he did. Apart from blaming the lack of action from police and the ATF, the citizens were highly upset with the government that allows an 18-year-old boy to possess firearms. The state allows anyone to possess any firearm regardless of age. The state and Federal law only regulate the ownership of all firearms to 18 years of age or older, and regulates the transfer of a handgun to 21 years or older. However, a private citizen CAN sell, lease, gift, etc, a handgun. Texas Legislature has the power to regulate the wearing of arms, to prevent crime. Moreover, Penal Code Section 1.08 also prohibits local jurisdictions from enacting or enforcing any law that conflicts with State statutes.
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At this point, Texas is allowing anyone to possess a firearm. This year in February, a cop apprehended a suspect who was carrying a rifle, with 120 rounds of ammunition and was allegedly on his way to a hall with hundreds of children in it. The report also explained why the ATF was not made aware of this transaction, "While multiple gun sales within such a short period are and were reported to the ATF, the law only requires purchases of handguns to be reported to the local sheriff. Here, the information about the attacker’s gun purchases remained in federal hands."