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'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2: History TV slammed for not giving show prime spot

Many fans felt the show would work a lot better if it were to hit streaming networks

Spoilers for 'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 Episode 3: 'UFOs vs Nukes'

'Unidentified' Season 2's latest episode titled 'UFOs vs Nukes' was meant to make the world aware there's proof that we are not alone. And should an alien attack come hit us, it will be a battle that we're hopelessly outnumbered, outgunned and thoroughly powerless. And that was startling news for viewers tuning into History TV on Saturday. For some, it was a matter of national security and these netizens felt it was irresponsible of the network to actually put it in a slot where people would miss out on something integral.

"Biggest story on the planet and HC couldn't give them prime spot?!?!?" a fan questioned. "Are they going to show us any new videos of ufos or just recycle the 3 from last season and give us stories?" a fan asked. "I would imagine after the news this week they get a bump. time slot sucks though," a fan opined.

"#Unidentified’s ratings haven’t been as strong as History Channel would like. They already have their back against the wall w/ a less than ideal day/time slot. History Channel cares about live views. If you want a season 3 make sure u & everyone u know watch it live! Promote it!" a fan tweet read. A bunch of fans felt the show would work a lot better if it were to hit streaming networks. 

"Absolutely. I don’t know why this approach wasn’t taken from the beginning. Get off the cable and onto the largest streaming platform that makes up 15 percent of ALL internet traffic. Millennials don’t have cable and you have to pay to stream it. Lower the barriers to entry," a fan wrote. "Would Netflix or Amazon be better platforms? Would certainly be more accessible, but I guess there are funding issues?" a fan asked.

"I think this is overlooked....or maybe purposefully not looked at? It's weird. We all know YouTube and streaming, in general, is where the masses get everything now... It's important to reach tv folks too but it's definitely the smaller piece of the overall pie," a fan remarked. "’m not happy about it. Maybe we should try to start contacting History Channel to complain," a fan tweet read.

Only time will tell if History TV might make some changes if they were to read the fan responses. 

'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 airs Saturdays 10 pm ET on History.