'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 Episode 1: Did these 3 servicemen really see alien ships?

'Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation' kicked off Season 2 with an intense discussion on UFO sightings in combat. With eyewitnesses coming forward with concrete evidence and crystal-clear recollection of these sightings, Luis Elizondo investigates these cases and discusses the theories with the team comprising of Tom DeLonge, Steve Justice and Chris Mellon. Episode 1: 'UFOs in Combat' looks at four veteran defense witnesses coming forward with their sightings.
Justin Doerfler, a former US Army soldier, recounts his time in Afghanistan, 2009, where he heard an aircraft noise high up while on tower duty. Closer inspection using Infrared saw a jet flying at a steady pace and out of nowhere, a brightly-lit object circled around the jet and zapped off again as quickly as it appeared. While a flummoxed Doerfler noted down the event in his diary, he never made a formal report with fears of being mocked at by his peers or because of having to face consequences.
For Luis, this matched his two observables: Instantaneous Acceleration and Hypersonic Velocity. Not just were these objects fast, they defied the laws of physics, something that human tech is still in the process of achieving. The second witness was James Ray, the pilot of a B52 Bomber with over 100 flying missions under his belt and he noticed a bogey heading towards him when he was on one of his missions in 1970. His radarman noted it was hurtling towards them with a speed of 6000 knots.
A picture couldn't be obtained by Luis as Ray said it was deemed classified. Then comes Brian Westin using an A6 Intruder on April 6, 1966, where he saw a cylindrical object with some form of chromium panels on it and he terms it as "wafting by", something that matched another of Luis's observables: Anti-gravity, while a boom operator, Derek, saw another glistening object while on a refueling course over the Adriatic Sea.
Listening to all this, the core team began to discuss if these were actually sightings. One of the working theories was that the US and other countries might have been working on UAVs and other secret technology that may have been tested on active warzones. Bill Scott, a former Airforce man suggests these could be jet-powered decoys the country was testing back in the day, but Luis's argument was if these were actually advanced enough to achieve ground-breaking results.
In the end, it all boils down to the confirmation of UFOs. Justice opines that there are things that are unexplained leaving the question to the audience: Extraterrestrials or secret projects?
'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' airs 10 pm ET on Saturdays.