'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 Episode 1: 'Are humans the threat?' ask curious fans

'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 was off to a scintillating start as fans broke down the discussion points from the episode. One of the major debates was if UFOs considered human beings as a threat.
The season opener, 'UFOs in Combat' brings in servicemen who had recorded sightings of these extraterrestrial objects in active war zones. However, before the discussion kicked off, the first thing was the praise the season received. Luis Elizondo comes back in the new season that investigates these cases and discusses the theories with the team comprising of Tom DeLonge, Steve Justice and Chris Mellon.
"Season 2 of #Unidentified is off to a good start! I’m excited about the new stuff they have..." a fan wrote. "#unidentified was absolutely fantastic. The team really upped the game in terms of production. Very excited and happy for the rest of the season. Well done!" seconded another fan. "The Vietnam Tic-Tac incident where UFOs shaped like Tic-Tacs were vrooming in the sky at atrocious Mach speeds. Justice, formerly head of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works: "I don't know of any UAVs that do that, not at those speeds." Says Vietnam Tic Tac was an unidentified category," a fan wrote.
"I think we are just a little spoiled. I mean these are all brand new (to us) sightings by credible military witnesses. It's not earth-shattering but continues to build the case...and it's a hell of a case. #Unidentified" a fan tweet read. "Vietnam vets after being inches Tic Tac UFO in '66: "There is stuff out there people don't want to come to grips with," another tweeted. "I am inclined to think these UFOs might have considered us a threat. Are we a threat?" asked one of the fans.
"This was echoed by most who felt that these objects were probably there to scout the sort of artillery mankind had in its arsenal. "Honestly at this point, I’d give my left nut for new ufo videos #Unidentified," a fan remarked.
What are your thoughts on the possibility of human beings being a threat to extraterrestrials?
'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 airs Saturdays 10 pm ET on History.