Is NASA covering up a UFO near the International Space Station? Object that glows and moves 'spotted' by eyewitness

It's 2020---a year that has seen a pandemic, riots, cyclones along with deaths of well-loved celebrities. Yet, the year seems to be a gift that doesn't stop giving. Some more unusual news has come to light.
On NASA’s live broadcast from the ISS on March 13, Donnie Brooke. an eyewitness, discovered a round unidentified object that appeared to glow and move. In the video, there were several bright flashes. The object moved from side to side, and judging by the votes on the record, and appeared to be planned and controlled experiment. However, there have been no official statements or follow-up from NASA on the subject. The UFO enthusiast also claims that NASA ignores his questions on what happened. According to Brooke, it was probably some kind of “an event or test related to project Solar Warden (The Secret Space Program).
The Pentagon recently shared videos on its website that capture 'unidentified' phenomena. The footage was shot by crew of a combat aircraft in November 2004 and January 2015. The Department of Defense has confirmed that these flying objects are unknown. This recent incident seems to raise questions and does not quite seem out of the blue.
Earlier, this year, there was much speculation about a 'Black Triangle' near the Sun. Scott Waring, a prominent alien investigator, who seemed to have spotted this, took to his blog ET Database to speculate about his UFO sighting. Waring said: “I was looking at some footage of the Sun and decided to take a closer look at the Black Triangle I discovered many months ago. The object is still there. Some people try to say its not a craft, but a dark spot on the Sun. This is not possible, since the Sun is rotating below the UFO. The UFO only moves slightly to left and sometimes to the right. So, clearly the UFO is in orbit around the star.’ This dark triangle seems to have been there for a long time. Waring added: “I went back as far as nine months and it is still there. Perhaps it has been there all along and NASA was just hoping no-one would notice a Moon-sized space ship in our Sun's orbit."
He questioned how the UFO could be so close to the Sun and not be destroyed and insisted that it was an alien space station rotating around the Earth.