'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 Episode 4: Are extraterrestrials a global threat?

Spoilers for 'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 Episode 4 'Planetary Threat?'
How often have UFOs come across as a threat? What makes them one? Are the sightings an inkling of an imminent threat? Will there be a 'War of the Worlds' scenario coming our way soon? These are just some of the many unanswered questions that 'Unidentified' has been seeking answers to. While they may not be definitive, the thoroughly exhaustive research and data points are compelling enough to believe that UFOs just might exist and their presence might not really be good news to the world.
'Planetary Threat?' takes Luiz Elizondo to South America that over the last few decades has recorded a substantial amount of UFO sightings and many of them are unexplained or kept a closely-guarded secret. From glowing orbs to ships shaped like hot-air balloons, there have been witnesses coming forward to talk about what they saw in the skies and how these things have been a regular occurrence in South America for a long time now.
One of the fighter pilots relives the time he actually fired at a UFO that successfully absorbed the gunfire. While it may not have retaliated, it did escape without a trace and was virtually indestructible as the pilot realized it was too quick. A few other pilots spotted glowing orbs that had zero resemblances to a traditional aircraft or a UAV. While the working theory was google balloons, it still was an unexplained phenomenon. Even more startling was the use of the Project Blue Book program across the world.
For those unaware, 'Project Blue Book' was one of the systematic studies of UFOs conducted by the United States Air Force between 1952 and 1969 where they studied UFO-related data and also determine whether these extraterrestrials were a threat to the planet. At the end of the day, the one takeaway Elizondo made was collaborating with other countries as it would help further in their mission.
Coming back to the question of whether UFOs are a 'Planetary Threat?' It's hard to say honestly. However, keeping in the mind the topics explored in Season 2, there have been records of these objects being observed in active war zones and nuclear bases. At best, it does appear they are actually looking at the weaponry system the world, and that still raises a serious question as to why? With no definitive means of communication, perhaps keeping our guard up is a wise move.
'Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation' Season 2 airs on Saturdays at 10 pm ET on History.