'Unexpected': Aden calls having unprotected sex with Jenna 'fun', viewers say 'his parents must be proud'

In the all-new episode of TLC’s ‘Unexpected’ that premiered on December 20, Jenna (16) got pregnant with boyfriend Aden (17) just in time for their junior year high school. In a fun little gender reveal trick, 18 weeks pregnant Jenna revealed to her boyfriend that they were having a baby boy.
We see the teenage couple sitting together studying the sonogram of the baby and trying to identify his facial features. In the confession round, it was evident that the duo clearly knew nothing about the human reproductive system as Aden thought men ovulate just like women and Jenna couldn’t even pronounce the word as she said "ogulate". Jenna further said being pregnant freaked her out but she liked it.
Aden added it was kind of fun to take the risk and not use protection. Viewers of the show took to Instagram to comment on their "dumbness". “Seriously?! Its 'fun to take the risk of not using protection'. Ridiculous. Wait until the work sets in." While another viewer reminded that their teenage days were over saying, “Welp, we'll see how fun and exciting it is when baby arrives and your teenage years are just about over. Reality check soon follows." Another quoted them and said, "It would be fun to take the risk and not use birth control ?! these 2 I can’t even…” Another wrote, “His parents must be so proud when he's like it's kinda fun taking a risk."
It took a long time for the teenage couple to settle on when they actually met — turned out just a month before Jenna got pregnant. Jenna further said Aden used to sneak into her bedroom. Jenna’s step-mother Cathy (40) was the first person to know that she was pregnant and she told Jenna to inform her dad immediately. Jenna’s dad Matt (42) was devastated but kept calm as he said, “acting like a fool won’t solve any problem".
Jenna, whose birthday was coming up, said she didn’t want to have a party since she was pregnant and preferred just ordering in food. But soon enough she demanded for a luxury car that her father immediately refused to give. He said her grades never improved and since she was going to be a mom, she needed a bit of “tough love". Matt also revealed that when Jenna was refused a car in the past she took the money of their dog-sitter just to be spiteful.
Later, her dad met her at a cafe and explained to her that she needed to get a job. He said she spends $2,500 in a month. Jenna confessed she didn’t want to do any job but wanted to become a “domestic engineer”, which was her glorified way of saying she wanted to become a stay-at-home mom. We also find out that Jenna, whose parents had separated, moved in with her dad when she was in her 8th grade after she had a fallout with her mother Heather.
A viewer wrote, “Tlc should start showing what is like to really have children. Seriously follow me around, I wake up at 4:30 to get ready for work, make my kids lunches, get them up at just before 6 to get them dressed, feed them, fight with them to brush their teeth & hair. By the time I’m done that I’m sweating, tired and my hair is falling out lol. Then I work all day, after work o pick them back up, they scream in the van, scream they are hungry when they get home, so I don’t get a chance to sit back I start cooking dinner, feed them, bath them, then by 6/7 im finally able to sit with them and play. Then it’s snack time & bed time by then I’m so exhausted but I still have to do some laundry, and clean. Seriously tape this & show teens the real side of parenting.” Another wrote, “I don’t know why I watched this last night they think it’s all fun and games and that one girl in the front seat claiming her water broke watching her brother in the back seat pick his nose and eat it TLC just exploits this crap.”
Catch ‘Unexpected’ on Sundays at 10 pm ET/PT on TLC.