'Underweight' kitten found abandoned, owner fined $2500 and is prohibited from owning animals for 2 years

GERALDTON, AUSTRALIA: An "underweight" small black kitten pacing in the window and meowing loudly was the first indication that something was awry inside a suburban Western Australian unit. After being offered food and drink, the animal can be seen on video forcing her head through a hole in the fly screen.
When the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) visited the Geraldton address in June of last year, nobody seemed to be at home. Numerous calls made to the residence were not answered. A warrant was issued, a locksmith was contacted, and an inspector entered the building out of concern for the kitten's wellbeing.
Cat's owner was fined $2500
According to the RSPCA, it didn't seem like anyone was residing in the apartment. Bodycam film shows the fridge and cabinets wide open, food left on the kitchen island, furniture piled on a table, pink paint and drawings were all over the walls. The inspector took the kitten, and a vet determined it was underweight. The cat, which was called Abby has subsequently fully recovered, as per Yahoo News.
The 37-year-old woman was found guilty of violating the state's animal welfare statute on April 6, according to the RSPCA, after the court determined that she had not given the kitten enough food or water. She was fined $2500 and a two-year animal ownership prohibition.
'Make appropriate plans for your animal’s care'
Abby was completely dependent on her owner, according to RSPCA inspector Kylie Green, and it was "heartbreaking" that she had been left alone for so long. “This case should serve as a reminder to pet owners — you must make appropriate plans for your animal’s care when you go away,” she said. “Arrange a pet sitter, book your pet into boarding, or, at the very least, organise someone to check on them daily, ensuring they have adequate food, water, and company.”
Australian teenager threw a cat at a brick wall
In 2019, an Australian teenager was captured on video throwing a cat over a fence into a brick wall. The video depicts the perpetrator stooping over to pick up a black cat in his arms while wearing a tradesman's clothing. He casually throws the cat over the neighboring fence and into a brick wall as the video is being recorded. The horrible experience has no impact on him as he continues to hold his mouth and grin maniacally at his own creation. He was soon joined by two more people who, like him, could not control their laughing at the incident.