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Father arrested for hurling 6-year-old daughter down the stairs because she argued with her brother

Surveillance video shows the father leading the six-year-old girl outside a supermarket in Ukraine and hurling her down the steps onto a concrete floor
UPDATED FEB 26, 2020
(Source : Getty Images)
(Source : Getty Images)

A Ukranian father who hurled his daughter down some supermarket steps because she had been "arguing with her brother" has now been arrested for his actions.

The 46-year-old father, identified only as Artem, was interrogated by authorities after CCTV footage of the incident was posted on Facebook, sparking a major backlash, according to a Daily Mail report.

In the clip, Artem is seen leading his six-year-old daughter Anzhelika outside a supermarket in Rivne Oblast, Ukraine. He can be seen dragging the girl by the arm before flinging her down the steps like a rag doll.


While shopworkers maintained the father-of-four threw the girl down the stairs, Artem claims his daughter slipped from his grip and fell on her own. The disturbing moment was captured on surveillance cameras installed at the entrance of the establishment. The girl can be seen lying on the floor in shock after falling down the steps, while Artem nonchalantly walks back into the store.

The embattled child then picks herself up and walks back into the store, reluctant to follow her father. Astonishingly, none of the passers-by intervene to help the poor girl or confront her father. However, the girl is said to have only received bruises, according to local reports.

"The video drew the attention of the police after being posted on Facebook," Police spokeswoman Zoriana Melnyk said. "Thanks to local residents, the man was quickly identified. The police visited the man's family and his wife recognized him and their daughter in the video."

Artem told police that an argument ensued when his daughter and three-year-old son both wanted to push a shopping trolley at the supermarket. When he tried to calm them down, he failed and became enraged, grabbing his daughter and dragging her out of the shop.

"I just wanted to take her aside but when we were on the porch she pulled her arm out and fell," he said. The father is now charged with parental neglect and is pending trial. His family will be monitored by local social services for a stipulated time.

Alla Ilyina, the head of Child Protective Service, said: "The girl will be registered as a child who experienced abuse from her parent and her living conditions are going to be monitored by social service workers. We will also work with the parents to correct their attitude to their duties."

According to Artem's mother Galyna Stonogova, he is "a good father" but "had a little nervous breakdown" at the supermarket. "His [Artem's] wife was in the hospital for a week and he had to deal with four little children on his own," she said. "I do not say that he was right but I think he did it because of tiredness and exhaustion. He is a good father but everybody can have a little nervous breakdown."

If found guilty, the father-of-four faces up to one year of penal labor.