US embassies find ways around Trump advisory against flying pride flags outside missions in support of LGBT rights

The Trump administration has reportedly rejected requests from US embassies on Friday after they sought to display the rainbow pride flag outside their mission buildings during LGBTQ Pride Month, Washington Post reported.
However, some diplomats are trying to find ways around the rejection.
"The U.S. embassies in Israel, Germany, Brazil, and Latvia are among those that have requested permission from Trump's State Department to fly the pride flag on their flagpoles and have been denied," diplomats told the outlet, according to Newsweek.
Following the initial report, it was reported that some of the embassies have decided to find different ways of commemorating the pride month.

Around the world, embassies are choosing to honor the LGBTQ+ community in their own way. US missions in Seoul, South Korea, and Chennai, India, among others are hanging the rainbow-colored flag on the facades of their buildings. In New Delhi, India, the embassy building is decorated with rainbow-colored lights.
"Some embassies got playful with the display of Trump's statement," The Post reported. "In Brasilia, for example, the statement is topped by a photo of two hands holding five Play-Doh letters in rainbow colors: L-G-B-T-Q."
Flying the Pride Flag on official embassy flagpoles was permitted in the month of June in previous years. However, since news of the display request being denied came to light, many are deeming it a U-turn from the president's tweet last month to "celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made."
"As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation," Trump tweeted on May 31. "My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!"
In a statement to NBC News on Friday, US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said, "The President's recognition of Pride Month and his tweet encouraging our decriminalization campaign gives me even more pride to once again march in the Berlin Pride parade, hang a huge banner on the side of the Embassy recognizing our pride, host multiple events at the Embassy and the residence, and fly the gay pride flag."