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Black Illinois dad Ty Smith who called critical race theory 'nonsense' shuts down trolls

In an appearance on FOX's 'Varney & Co', Ty Smith spoke about what he has been experiencing since he spoke out against critical race theory
UPDATED JUN 30, 2021
Illinois dad Ty Smith condemned critical race theory in a blistering speech (Twitter/@bennyjohnson)
Illinois dad Ty Smith condemned critical race theory in a blistering speech (Twitter/@bennyjohnson)

Early in June 2021, a Black Illinois father went viral after he ranted against Critical Race Theory at a local school board meeting. As critical race theory gains momentum, people across the country mostly fall on two ends of the spectrum — for or against. So far, there have been many calls for the controversial curriculum to be banned from schools. And after taking a strong stand against it, Ty Smith, an outspoken conservative YouTuber, is now apparently mocking the left for trying to discredit him.

In an appearance on FOX Business’ 'Varney & Co', Smith spoke about what he has been experiencing since he spoke out and his plans on continuing the fight against critical race theory. On the show, he said he was "the very type of person that they were talking about, that was down, and suppressed, and oppressed, and… disproportionate, and for me to be able to come out of that, to work my way through school to get where I am, I just call BS on it – it’s nonsense".

What is critical race theory? Here's why Republicans call it 'un-American' and want to ban it from schools

Critical race theory: Professor Derrick Bell and the fight for 'true' history

When Smith spoke out against critical race rheory at the school meeting, he said that the curriculum teaches youth to hate each other based on skin color. He then said, "How do I have two medical degrees if I’m sitting here oppressed?"


"I can’t believe that we’re even talking about this because it is a complete lie," Smith told Varney on the show. He also added that he is a successful Black man who has never been held back by White people. "Not one White person or system in place kept me from doing what I did, nor has it kept… from any of the kids that I’ve mentored," he said, adding, "It hasn’t kept them from graduating and going beyond what the oppressed narrative says we can’t do."

"You have two medical degrees?" Varney then asked Smith. “Yes sir, and their background is in therapy and orthopedics,” he replied, laughing at the narrative spun about him online. "What gets me is that, as soon as I said that, right, that seemed to have been the focus I noticed was mainly being played. But, I told like whoever these – I guess you’d call them the far left – it seems like they just wanted to focus on. So, now I have no degrees, I don’t have a wife, I don’t have any sons, I’m not a musician, I’m not a minister. I’m some actor that was placed there by the Republican Party and turns out I’m Candace Owens’ brother!"

You can watch the viral video here:


Ever since the video went viral, many had called out Smith and claimed that he actually doesn't have two medical degrees and that he is just a YouTuber who makes reaction videos. "This guy is a professional YouTuber who posts reaction videos. So I have some questions about those two medical degrees," one user had written, for instance. "I got a merit badge in the Boy Scouts for First Aid and CPR. Can I tell people I have 2 medical degrees too LOL!!!" another user taunted him. 



Smith clarified doubts when he appeared on the show. "There’s been a huge amount of people from the community and from pretty much all over the world sending me emails, showing great support, saying thanks for standing up for our children. Thanks for being courageous and bold. And thanks for just pretty much telling the truth."

He referred to the Marxist ideology that reduces all cultural issues to race and people to oppressors and victims as "a lie". "Of this, the reason why Black folks can’t get ahead because of White folks? Are you kidding me? This is what we’ve come to?" he asked. "I can’t believe we even talking about this right now."

In a previous interview on Fox News’ 'America’s Newsroom', Smith said critical race theory is "a whole bunch of nonsense, virtue signaling, playing off people’s emotion. The only race there is, is the human race." He also invoked Martin Luther King Jr and said that CRT is the opposite of what he preached during the civil rights movement. "Martin Luther King said he wanted his kids to grow up in the world where they are judged by the contents of their what?" he asked the fellow attendees at the meeting. They responded with, "Character." "Their character," Smith emphasized. "Not their skin. If they letting this stuff go on right now, it is absolutely going the complete reverse of what he’s doing."