Horror at Cape Cod YMCA pool as 7 children hospitalized after inhaling toxic MURIATIC ACID spill

CAPE COD, MASSACHUSETTS: A total of seven children, between ages six and ten, fell ill on Friday, October 7, after they reportedly inhaled fumes coming from a muriatic acid spill at Cape Cod YMCA pool area. It has been said that the children’s health deteriorated soon after they entered the pool.
A YMCA statement read, “Today seven children from our after school program were transported for evaluation at Cape Cod Hospital for what appeared to be respiratory issues. Their parents have been notified. The cause is under investigation. The YMCA will remain closed until further notice.”
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While five received medical care in Cape Cod’s hospital, two children — a 9-year-old and 10-year-old girl —- were taken via air to Boston. The Boston Globe, citing David Procopio, a state police spokesman, reported that one of the girls’ condition was critical but stable. It has been said that the children had come there as part of the YMCA’s after school program. Following the incident, the pool was closed as Barnstable police initiated a probe into it.
A statement issued by Stacie Peugh, the president and chief executive of YMCA Cape Cod, noted, “We are taking it day by day and doing extra precautionary reviews. The branch will be open tomorrow, but the pool will remain closed.” Though on Saturday October 8, the pool was opened, it was immediately shut down after some time. The YMCA shared on Facebook, “Yesterday seven children from our after school program were transported to Cape Cod Hospital for evaluation for respiratory issues that began in the pool area. Last night we were cleared to reopen our pool facilities by local and state authorities."
“After further discussion, and out of an abundance of caution, we are closing our pool while we continue to analyze yesterday’s hazmat incident as the cause continues to be under investigation," the post further read.
Some people reacted online after the news came out with one commenting on Facebook, “Praying for all those babies, their families and the Y family. I know this hurts everyone’s heart.” Another one said, “Best wishes!” The third one wrote, “SHAME ON YOU YMCA.”
When a user named Lisa Vancans Durkin asked before the pool was closed again, “Is the pool open for the swim meet today and is the pool is now safe? What did you do to make it safe? Thank you,” The YMCA answered, “Lisa Vancans Durkin the pool is open today and the swim meets will proceed as scheduled. The building has been ventilated and cleared by fire departments and haz mat units that responded yesterday. Water levels are good and we look forward to a great meet!”
Then Durkin said, “I wished this decision had been made earlier. A lot of us just spent hours in the car,” to which the YMCA added, “Lisa Vancans Durkin We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of the pool closure. While we had clearance and permission from all authorities to reopen, after hours of deliberation our team has decided to exercise the highest level of caution while still investigating the cause.”