Tucker Carlson says Jill Biden's PhD dissertation is filled with typos, calls her 'borderline illiterate'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighed in on the recent controversy surrounding the soon-to-be first lady Jill Biden's usage of the title "Dr." before her name despite the fact that she does not have an M.D. During his show on Wednesday, December 16, Carlson concluded that the former second lady either needed reading glasses or she is “borderline illiterate," judging a dissertation written by her that sparked the controversy.
“Doctor Jill needs reading glasses. Either that, or she’s borderline illiterate,” Carlson said during the segment. “There are typos everywhere, including in the first paragraph of the introduction. Doctor Jill can’t write. She can’t really think either. Parts of the dissertation seem to be written in a foreign language, using English words. They’re essentially pure nonsense, like Pig Latin, or dogs barking. The whole thing is just incredibly embarrassing — and not simply to poor, illiterate Jill Biden, but to the college that considered this crap scholarship — in fact, to our entire system of higher education, to the country itself. Jill Biden’s PhD dissertation is our national shame.”
That's DOCTOR Jill Biden To You! pic.twitter.com/szFTBZxI3o
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 17, 2020
A number of fans of the conservative anchor flocked to social media to praise the host for his comments. "We hold the highest respect for you. THANK YOU for your honest, in-depth stories and your LOVE for this Country. You are so appreciated and loved in our family," one of them said, while another wrote, "That was brutal! And I loved it!" A third commented, "@DrBiden @derekahunter credentials. I absolutely loved the commentary from @TuckerCarlson and @benshapiro of the backlash from this article. Kudos to you guys!"
One more stated, "I watched this too many times and laugh all the way through! Perfectly done." The next remarked, "Thank you Tucker for pushing back on these people. Where have all the courageous men gone? Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas." One user quipped, "Same as the election math for Joe..." One more said, "This is very scary indeed. 'Dr' in very loose terms."
Another noted, "Love you, @TuckerCarlson Sometimes you tell it SO like it is, I find myself chuckling because you said it with such hilarity, to boot!!!" A commenter tweeted, "Adding up the 159 surveyed students and reaching 162--isn't that how the ballots were added up, also?" One of them commented, "Yeah, she doctors the facts." Another said, "Thank you for the laugh. You should submit this to SNL for they’re opening skit."
We hold the highest respect for you. THANK YOU for your honest, in depth stories and your LOVE for this Country. You are so appreciated and loved in our family.
— stacey green (@staceyg333) December 17, 2020
@DrBiden @derekahunter credentials. I absolutely loved the commentary from @TuckerCarlson and @benshapiro of the backlash from this article. Kudos to you guys!
— Justin Brawley (@brawleyje) December 17, 2020
I watched this too many times and laugh all the way through! Perfectly done.
— Carolyn Oliver (@BettyJRubble) December 17, 2020
Thank you Tucker for pushing back on these people. Where have all the courageous men gone? Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas.
— GbuGraceuponGrace (@GbuChildofGod) December 17, 2020
This is very scary indeed. “Dr” in very loose terms.
— Leslie Daily (@livingdailylife) December 17, 2020
Love you, @TuckerCarlson Sometimes you tell it SO like it is, I find myself chuckling because you said it with such hilarity, to boot!!!
— Katharine Russ (@writerRuss) December 17, 2020
Adding up the 159 surveyed students and reaching 162--isn't that how the ballots were added up, also?
— Lynda J Cox Romance Author (@LyndaCox) December 17, 2020
Thank you for the laugh. You should submit this to SNL for they’re opening skit.
— Robert Meyers (@RobertM02322984) December 17, 2020
His comments came after Joseph Epstein, the former editor of the magazine The American Scholar, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled, "Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D." Following the start of the controversy, many authors and experts weighed in, included National Review writer Kyle Smith who wrote a brutal piece saying that Jill's demand to be called a “Dr.” was because she was “smarting from an inferiority complex.”
"Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of doctorates, seen as a gauche, silly, cringey ego trip. Consider 'Dr.' Jill Biden, who doesn’t even hold a Ph.D. but rather a lesser Ed.D., something of a joke in the academic world. President-elect Joe Biden once explained that his wife sought the degree purely for status reasons: 'She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate,' Joe Biden has said." he wrote.