Tucker Carlson calls out Joe Biden's hypocrisy for voting AGAINST Roe v Wade in 1982

Newscaster Tucker Carlson noted how President Joe Biden had once voted against Roe v Wade while slamming the person responsible for the leak of the SCOTUS draft judgment to overturn the case.
Written in February 2022, the draft piece labeled 'Opinion of the Court' stated that the US Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark 1973 ruling, which legalized abortion in the United States. More than half of all states have some kind of abortion ban law set to take effect if Roe v Wade is overturned by the nation's highest court.
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52-year-old Carlson -- who hosts the Fox News show 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' -- accused Biden, 79, of hypocrisy after the Delaware Democrat had previously voted to allow individual states to overturn Roe v. Wade, the SCOTUS ruling that legalized abortion across the nation. "Joe Biden has always supported legal abortion, but nine years after the Roe decision was handed down, he was still willing to admit it was indefensible as a legal decision," Carlson wrote in an op-ed for Fox News Digital. "Pregnant women, Biden explained in 1982 as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, should not have "the sole right to say what should happen" to their unborn children, because, after all, no one creates children alone. It takes two people. That's obvious," the Fox host continued. "In fact, Biden concluded Roe had gone 'too far.' And of course, it had gone too far. That was obvious then. It's obvious now. Then, as now, many Americans believe that abortion is murder. Many other Americans consider abortion a prerequisite to happiness," Carlson added.
In 1982, then-Senator Biden cited his Roman Catholic religion while supporting a constitutional amendment to the ruling. "I'm probably a victim, or a product, however you want to phrase it, of my background," Biden said at the time, adding that the decision was "the single most difficult vote I've cast as a US senator." However, that bill never made it to the Senate and when it came around the following year, Biden voted against it. He has since supported women's rights to abortion, according to the New York Times.
Justice Samuel Alito, often regarded as the most conservative member of the SCOTUS panel, wrote a majority draft opinion in February criticizing the rulings in both Roe v Wade and the 1992 Planned Parenthood vs Casey decision. "Roe was egregiously wrong from the start," Alito wrote in the opinion, which was leaked to the public on Monday, May 2. "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives," he added.
Carlson agreed with Alito, describing the Roe verdict as "the most embarrassing court decision handed down in the last century." However, he blasted the source behind the leak of the draft opinion. "It's not for public consumption," he said. "A final official decision on Roe is supposed to be months away and yet an unnamed liberal operative short-circuited this ancient process, which has worked well for hundreds of years. This person leaked the opinion and not by accident."
The right-wing commentator posited that the leak was an effort to intimidate conservative justices to not go through with their plans of overturning Roe. "The point of leaking the opinion was to intimidate conservative justices into reversing course. Mob justice," Carlson said. "Now, if you're shocked by that, you shouldn't be. Remember that it's not so different from what we saw this January when another unnamed liberal operative leaked the news that Justice Stephen Breyer was planning on retiring, and that news for Stephen Breyer to retire, which liberal operatives wanted him to do because he was a White man."
It's worth noting that while Justice Alito's draft doesn't necessarily reflect the sentiments of the other justices, the Supreme Court's 5-3 conservative supermajority will likely go through with the landmark reversal.