Trump tweets MAGA hat ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ clip but Larry David doesn’t ‘give a f**k’ about alienating fans

President Donald Trump, on Monday night, tweeted a 30-second-clip from the season 10 premiere of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', showing comedian Larry David wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat to ward off an angry biker. The president, who appeared to completely miss the point of the clip, wrote alongside the video: "TOUGH GUYS FOR TRUMP!"
The clip shows David driving his electric BMW on the streets of Los Angeles when he encounters an angry biker on the road after a near-collusion. The biker asks David: "What the f**k are you doing? Motherf****r! What the f**k? What are you trying to do, man?" A panicked David then rolls down his window, saying: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." The punchline comes when he puts on a MAGA hat immediately after and the biker looks at it and smiles at him, saying: "Just be more careful next time, OK?”

If he had watched a longer version of the video, Trump may have realized that David, in the episode, was using the MAGA hat as a "great people repellent."
The 'Seinfeld' co-creator is no fan of Trump. David, during an interview in January, made it clear that he could not give a "f**k" about alienating MAGA fans by taking a swipe at Trump's iconic hat.

A journalist had asked David: "There are people that wear the MAGA hat and like what the MAGA hat represents. Are you afraid about alienating them? They could be fans of the show?" To which he replied with: "Alienate yourself. Go, go and alienate! You have my blessing. No, I could give a f**k."
The executive producer of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', Jeff Schaffer, while talking to The Hollywood Reporter last month, had described how David uses the MAGA hat.
"Larry in the hat is such a dissonant image," he said. "You realized when he put it on that you just never see a person in a MAGA hat in Los Angeles. It’s like spotting a double rainbow of intolerance."