Trump tweets 105 times in a single day, attacks impeachment inquiry and top Democrats

President Donald Trump tweeted more than 100 times on Sunday as he attacked the ongoing impeachment inquiry against him in the House of Representatives. The president reportedly tweeted a little more than four times per hour on average, sending out a total of 105 tweets. Most of the posts on his Twitter page were retweets of content posted by other Twitter users.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry in September after a whistleblower lodged a formal complaint, alleging that President Trump had sought favor from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky during a June phone call, asking him to investigate his political rival, former vice president Joe Biden.
The whistleblower also mentioned a possible quid pro quo involved as Trump held back the US military to Ukraine.
A significant number of Trump's Sunday tweets and re-posts targeted the impeachment process and the top Democrats leading the inquiry against him. However, some of his tweets were also aimed at CNN and MMA fighter Tito Ortiz.

Trump's barrage of tweets came a day before an important hearing scheduled for Monday that will see Democratic lawyer Barry Berke and his Republican counterpart Stephen Castor opening statements before the House Judiciary Committee for and against Trump's impeachment.
After their opening statements, Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman and GOP counsel Castor are set to outline the evidence for and against impeachment in front of the House Intelligence Committee.
The president, in one of his tweets about the impeachment inquiry on Sunday, wrote: "Less than 48 hours before start of the Impeachment Hearing Hoax, on Monday, the No Due Process, Do Nothing Democrats are, believe it or not, changing the Impeachment Guidelines because the facts are not on their side. When you can't win the game, change the rules!"
The Republican also retweeted attacks on the inquiry originally tweeted by GOP congressman, including Rep. Jodey Arrington who called the process a "charade." Trump also targeted Democrats leading the process, as he dubbed the House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff "corrupt" and called him a "criminal" for releasing phone records in the panel's impeachment inquiry report.
The president also attacked Speaker Pelosi through a retweet, originally posted by lawyer Mark Levin, who called her "fascistic."