Deutsche Bank lent Trump $2B over two decades, Internet asks will POTUS be arrested for financial crimes?

Trouble only seems to be increasing for US President Donald Trump and those associated with him. According to a recent New York Times report, New York prosecutors who are looking into Trump’s tax records have also subpoenaed his longtime lender Deutsche Bank. According to the report, the Manhattan district attorney’s, Cyrus Vance, office issued a subpoena to the bank last year. The bank has been Trump’s primary lender since the late 1990s. They are seeking financial records that he and his company provided to the bank, according to four people familiar with the inquiry, states the report. According to the report, the German bank lent him and his company more than $2 billion over the past two decades.
The Guardian states that the district attorney’s office is seeking eight years of the president’s personal and corporate tax records. They haven’t revealed the purpose or what prompted them to look into the records.
According to the New York Times article the investigation initially appeared to be focused on the alleged hush-money payments made in 2016 to two women who have said they had affairs with Trump. However, the same report state that in a court filing this week, prosecutors with the district attorney’s office cited “public reports of possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization” and that they were also investigating possible crimes involving bank and insurance fraud.
Trump and social media –especially Twitter—seems to go hand-in-hand. Any news about POTUS cannot escape from the users weighing in about it. A Berkley professor Robert Reich tweeted, “Deutsche Bank lent Trump $2 billion over past 2 decades. It's also preferred bank of Russian oligarchs. N.Y. prosecutors subpoenaed the bank's records back to 1990s as part of a criminal probe into the Trump Organization. The bank just complied. Will he be indicted January 21?”
Deutsche Bank lent Trump $2 billion over past 2 decades. It's also preferred bank of Russian oligarchs. N.Y. prosecutors subpoenaed the bank's records back to 1990s as part of a criminal probe into the Trump Organization. The bank just complied.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) August 6, 2020
Will he be indicted January 21?
Another said, "Six words that scared TF out of Trump today: "Deutsche Bank complied with the subpoena."
Six words that scared TF out of Trump today: "Deutsche Bank complied with the subpoena."#DeutscheBank
— Dr. Jack Brown (@DrGJackBrown) August 6, 2020
One user opined, "Deutsche Bank is itself a criminal organization, and they have plenty of dirt to drop on Trump especially if they need to save themselves."
Deutsche Bank is itself a criminal organization, and they have plenty of dirt to drop on Trump especially if they need to save themselves. #maddow
— Romney's Limo Driver (@RomneyChauffeur) August 6, 2020
A Twitter user observed, "In case you didn’t know: - Deutsche Bank loaned Trump millions of dollars when no other bank would. - This happened while Russia was putting huge sums of money into Deutsche Bank. - Prosecutors got all the info! Trump and Russia are scared!!"
In case you didn’t know:
— Mrs. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) August 6, 2020
- Deutsche Bank loaned Trump millions of dollars when no other bank would.
- This happened while Russia was putting huge sums of money into Deutsche Bank.
- Prosecutors got all the info!
Trump and Russia are scared!!
One user questioned: "We can only hope that he will be indicted. My big question is why they loaned him all that money after he had filed for bankruptcy so many times. Why is there no oversight in the banking industry?"
We can only hope that he will be indicted. My big question is why they loaned him all that money after he had filed for bankruptcy so many times. Why is there no oversight in the banking industry?
— Phillip Brome (@PhillipBrome) August 6, 2020
One said, "Trump is definitely going to prison. The only outstanding questions are; when, where and for how long."
Trump is definitely going to prison. The only outstanding questions are; when, where and for how long.
— Yvette (@Yvetteinsc) August 6, 2020
Another wrote: "Manhattan DA has already subpoenaed and obtained Trump’s records from Deutsche Bank. He seeks Trump’s taxes in a wide-ranging fraud investigation relating to the same division of Deutsche that was just fined—also by New York—for laundering for Epstein. This is quite a big deal."
Manhattan DA has already subpoenaed and obtained Trump’s records from Deutsche Bank. He seeks Trump’s taxes in a wide-ranging fraud investigation relating to the same division of Deutsche that was just fined—also by New York—for laundering for Epstein.
— Robert J. DeNault (@robertjdenault) August 5, 2020
This is quite a big deal.
Another said, "Why wait until Jan 21? I honestly can't imagine a more satisfying scene than watching, at 12:01 pm January 20, 2021, as Trump (on national TV) is arrested, placed in handcuffs & his ass hauled off President Biden's inaugural stage. #TrumpForPrison2020."
Why wait until Jan 21?
— She_Persisted (@Impeach_Cheeto) August 6, 2020
I honestly can't imagine a more satisfying scene than watching, at 12:01 pm January 20, 2021, as Trump (on national TV) is arrested, placed in handcuffs & his ass hauled off President Biden's inaugural stage. #TrumpForPrison2020
RT if you agree with me.
The New York Times report further states that the bank has complied with the subpoena. Last year, over a few months, the bank has given detailed records -- including financial statements and other information provided by Trump to Vance's office, according to two of the people familiar with the inquiry.
Even though the bank’s response highlights the seriousness of the legal threat on Trump, his family and his company, which in recent years have faced an onslaught of regulatory, congressional and criminal inquiries, the investigation is in its early stage, as per the report.