Trump knows he'll face prison if he leaves office, says Michael Cohen: 'These scandals only tip of iceberg'

Michael Cohen, the disgraced former lawyer of President Donald Trump, has released the foreword of his upcoming tell-all book on his experience working for the POTUS. According to the book, Trump was a “cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man” who made death threats against Cohen after the latter decided to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
Cohen famously served as the president’s longtime personal counsel before being convicted for two felony campaign finance violations. He wrote the book 'Disloyal' from the Otisville Federal Prison. He was recently released from prison into house arrest after serving just one year of his three-year sentence, under the efforts by state governments to limit the spread of the coronavirus among prison inmates.
In the foreword, Cohen has slammed Trump for acting “like a mob boss” who “wanted me dead." He added that “the death threats had come by the hundreds” after he chose to open up on his former boss' dealings with Russia. “The President called me a rat and tweeted angry accusations at me, as well as my family. All rats deserve to die, I was told,” Cohen said. “I was a lowlife Judas they were going to hunt down.”
Cohen claimed to have an insight on Trump like no other person in his close circle, not even his family members. "Apart from his wife and children, I knew Trump better than anyone else did," he wrote in the foreword. "In some ways, I knew him better than even his family did because I bore witness to the real man... and in the unguarded moments when he revealed who he really was." He added that he was the one who pushed him to run for president in 2011 and 2015.

As someone who was the president's confidant for years, Cohen said that Trump has a number of scandals still hidden in his closet that are yet to come out in the open. "The types of scandals that have surfaced in recent months will only continue to emerge with greater and greater levels of treachery and deceit," he said. "If Trump wins another four years, these scandals will prove to only be the tip of the iceberg." It is unclear of his book talks about any of the scandals hinted at by him.
He also painted a friendless picture of the president, adding that the POTUS was in constant fear of getting prosecuted for the crimes that he allegedly had committed as the leader of the free world. “Trump has no true friends," he said. “I’m certain that Trump knows he will face prison time if he leaves office."
Cohen tweeted out a photo of the cover of the book with the message: “Coming Soon" on Thursday, August 13. To further ruin the chances of Trump's election, Cohen has indicated that he plans to publish the book before the November presidential election.
Meanwhile, the White House has condemned Cohen’s book as “fan fiction”. Spokesman Brian Morgenstern said Cohen “readily admits to lying routinely but expects people to believe him now so that he can make money from book sales. It’s unfortunate that the media is exploiting this sad and desperate man to attack President Trump.”