'True Detective' Season 3: The reinvention of Stephen Dorff from teenage heartthrob to tortured cop Roland West

While it is an actors job to reinvent themselves with every character they play, there are only a few who can pull it off as dexterously as Stephen Dorff has over the course of his decades long career.
From the sweet boy who accidentally opens the gates of hell to acing a transgender icon of the 60-70s to now starring as an Arkansas cop traumatized by a devious crime, Stephen Dorff has used his chameleon-like quality of blending into his roles to optimum effect.
However, what makes his trajectory even better is the way he's gone from being a star to dropping off the radar, with the ability to rise from the ashes time and again.

Atlanta-born Dorff started his career as a child star with the 1987 horror flick 'The Gate'. With his chubby face framed in a bowl cut acing the terrified look, it wasn't hard to see why Dorff would grow into a star.